Page 211 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 211
blc No. 3 ** A”—Imports into the Port of Bushirc from Different Countries during the years
1919-20 and 1920-21, classified according to Persian Customs—contd.
Vxtc*. Wricnr.
Article*. Countries.
1919-20. 1920-21. 1919-20. 1920-21.
£ £ Tons. Tons.
India . .
and steel in PUtM. 1«H4 1,306 32 22
Uti*H Kingdom 292 1,811 4 14
UiiUd S'nUa of America *27 33 &
.Mho; otAniia 24 1
>*eden . . , *50 4
Otier Cjuntrics. 51 10
Tots! 2,704 3,477 45 37
In5a .
•jjraniMd iron . 1,718 1C* 18 2
United Kingdom 419 16 3
United Stale* cf Amorica . 159 1
Total 2,296 178 22 2
2»iafadare* of iron - India 6,157 40 18
Urited Kingd« za 1,376 11 112
Utrol Siatr* of America 2,333 1C
Jrjaa 1,101 lo3 10 1
O’Jier Countries. 124 113
Total 11.S93 12,627 77 131
Tx ihttt* Incia . 582 200 5 4
Uriled Kingdom . . 460 1,608 7 18
Uiiud States of America . 930 6
Js.;aa . 115 o
Total 2,087 1,803 20 17
^•■3, lend sad line in fcu-*, United Kingdom 27,576 57 IS
l>i»les,etc. Cbia . . . 15,161 36 1
India 24,05 74 6
Uriled States of America 2^86 7
Ja;u . 1,325 .3
Oiler Countries. 02 2
Total 71,635 6,319 179 19
JtaeCRctana of tin, lead United Kingdom 10 858
lifc. India . 86 883 1 1
Oiler co on tries 9 51 1
Total 104 789 1 2