Page 212 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 212
Tsblc No. 3 u A" —Imports Into the Port of Bushlrc from Different Countries during the
1919-20 and 1920-21, classified according to Persian Customs—could.
Value. Weight.
Article*. Cojoirir*.
1910-2X 1920-21. 1919-20. U20.JL
£ £ Ton*. Tcov
Copper and Kiel el In Han, United Kingdom iexc* o.ttc 49
2'latea, rU. India 5,3i3 2,793 20 12
Other cocnlrlca . CIS 35 1
Told 21450 12,279 71 ! 5J
Manofaetar** of Copper India . era 533 1
and Mikel. Other eonntrion 153 207
✓ Total 613 790 1 I 1
fjeeia . United Kingdom
India 15,316
Mesopotamia ass 1,052
Bahrein . 77 14«1
Kuwait . It 253
Total 13.711 | 43,034
M“nnf*etcre* of Gold and India . , 0J1 3G4
Silver. United Kingdom S7 61
Bahrein . . 551 270
Other eotntriaa 1.-7 27
Uongkong , as
Total ijhs I 712
Alumininaa minafa>rttira . India . . l.«6 C01
Japan . . 129
United Kingdom 155 24
Other cocntriea . 31
Total 1401 | 785
Frtvioca Stooea India 56
Stor. ci worlod and ten worked 197 224 27 S
££a 9 23 S
Oman 17 9
Bahrein 17 1
Total 259 | 224 83 S
Mineral Product* mol aped* India 310 232 8 IT
bed. Oman . 164 139 21
Bahrain . 410 27 833 S
Other cotntriaf 40 S3 27 I
Total 834 434 839 0