Page 214 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 214


               Tabic No. 3 « AH—Imports Into the Port of Bushirc from Different Countries (luring the
                          1919-20 and 1930*21, classified according to Persian Customs—ton hi.
                                                              VAtUt.           Wjnoirr.
                     Article*.            Country*.
                                                          1919-20.  19202L  1319-20.
                                                            £       £      Ton*.    T«a.
               T‘uloe* of Wool nod Cclton  United Kingdom   2<\581  35,551   . 16
               0                 Ir.dL*   .   .             2.772   12/ioS            1
                                 Fmdcs   .   .                      1.0G8
                                 It*ly   •   •                      9/28              1 ;
                                 Mesopotamia .                       303              i
                                 OtbeT countries .          2,165    111       1
                                                 . TcUl    23.308   58,619    IS      7.
               Jato Tfirni       led:-*                     1.513    728      17      '
                                 United Kingdom               30               1
                                                 Total      1,033    728      18      *

               T.'.rn* of F'.-.x and Qeep .  India           268
               T11 me* 0! Juts   India                              1,025
                                 Unit<*d Kingdom                     135
                        .                             32
                                                 Total              1,192             L
                Silk Tania       Frac.cs                              34
               Tiriuci of Silk .  United Kingdom            1/S7    7.248             1
                                 India   .                  2 824   2.570      2      1
                                 Switzerland .              1,479
                                 J.'pam                     4,839   1,314
                                 Cbica   ...                        1.2S6
                          ...              2,473   2.C18
                                 Itilr                       432    4/34              I
                                 United States of America            327
                                 Oilier co on tries         3,930    113       1
                                                 Total     18/74   20/40       3
               Tiiauea of Silk and Cotton  United Kingdom   9052   34,876      4      H
                                 India   .   .              6/29    8,045      S      J
                                 Franca   .                 6/48    3/59       2      1
                                 Jtnljr   •   •             3,159   7/69       2      J
                                 Other countries .           281     650
                                                 Total     24/69   64/89      U
               Tit*u*s of Sclk embroidered  UniUd Kingdom            209
                 with 8 ilk.     Italy                               206
                                 India .                    3/18
                                 Other countries .           898
                                                 *Total     4/16     418
   209   210   211   212   213   214   215   216   217   218   219