Page 425 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 425
Currency woiGhts and *oamrroa,ar>d
Uanoral Information •
Tho ttnlt of wolrh** Isa nil tho Pornlan porta la taken Vi
far ths duitosua purpoooo no ono Bataan or Tabrls nan equalling •
fl.&d lbs. Ozso Kharwar or 100 rnn lo tho unit for tra»«i>ert
parpoaota# or vhloh E& Kharem? rsoho oppronljaatoy©no tas* •
On tho Arabian flldop tho unlto of volght or© logleni
cash port hao at least a dozoa« no usoful purpose la oorwod
thoroforo la quieting then oo British units aro t?oll brown.
Tho Konota/fy Unit on tho Persian old© lo a Krani) tea ©f which
naho 6 ruaano Per Banking purpoooo the bran lo dovldod Into
100 oantso For tho 7oar undor review tho average rato of
©gchang© { at which tho Porolan statistics wore ©enputed )
too tamo <37 Q lo Tho par of ezohango lo' noolnally Kro 00
a a lo
2a provieno year© tho average rata for ooavoroioa purposoa
fcaa boos
19SI - 82 Krona 03 a 4 a
1923 - S3 a B3,03o a £J 1
IB 23 - 24 m <37 o ° a l
Tho avorevgo for tho praaont year Is Krona 43 a 3 1.
on tho Arohlaa Bldo* tho local ccrrcmoy lo Soria
dollars ohleh fluctuate greatly In Talas*
la tho y under review, 100 Uellare equalled fis 170 oa
tho average* Pollaro mro however only used In local trade* Tho
•alaags used In International tredo lo the rupee*
The statistics of tho Arabian old# wore eoavorted at the
rate of Rupees 15 « I 1«
Th^ tmit of Lineal Jteecurs, lo 1 Car of about 40 Inches
suMlTlAod into 10 Clrefes, on the Persian side* On the other
did# a ha9 (fathen) it rt lashes equals Chime oaoh of
«fclsh 1* farther divided late 4 fihlbro of 4| Inohon* Thee#
however haws no practise 1 importance as European
art understood# ,
OOodo to the in Wrier should bo up Into