Page 430 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 430
Other GonpcmydJ'* rbo oend atoinora up to the Oulf aro* Persian
3 toon navigation Oonyany Ltd of Bes&ay, and tho Kmitam
UTigatitB coapany Ltd vfco botvoon tho« Atm four boati.
freight ntoi for general sorgo nr« About fi s/10 a ton rren
tbo Gulf to tho United KXa&toa and Continental Porto and about
Ki lUAr tO India.
Owing to Use nature of tho aaohoragea of tho aulf, atoaooro
aro unable to sot oloso to tho load and ao foi rly heavy 3 And Ins
charges bavo to bo paid. Zho lunt of intonvatlcn-ol trofflo
oarriod on by nativo craft la no eligible.
Whoa onoo norchandioo hao arrived at any part# tho further
transport to tho hintorland ia of footed by pack aatovloo Zhoro
art no railways la thif aro* aoithor la thoro n rood oapablo of
bolng tYavors'odby * four/vohiolo carrying norohsmdlooo Proa tho
Importers' point of view thorofore, the dlffloultioo ooraaenoo only
whan tho norohandiso arrives at tho port of dootlnation. Tho ooot
of thlo transport lo g*norally very heavy and adds esmoidorably to
tho tolling prises In any market away from tho
Insert o, slnoo tho standard of living of all tho pooploo
arotml tho Gulf la low# their roqulroeeat* aro fe»t Gotten plooo*
goods# too# sugar and foods tuff] aro tho prlnolpal imports# fhooo
havo to bo tho cheapest possible artloloo on aqcount of tho
Marolty of
insert* a. Pro* tho Ptniu olio# tho ohlof oxporto aro
*U«# oplwu# Oarpotn • on tho Arabian aldo# tho primely*!
•^rta aro Poarlo# da too fish# tho total Toll •f trado of
tulf Inolndlng tho trado of tho Gulf ports vlth •irag (but
•xtludlag lntor-*ulf Port tpafflo) y during tho yoar im*h
U * tt#8Sl#04t# of this A 1,007,lag wore lnporto ns# 9*4*444
tho distribution of thlo trod# lo giro* in tho tabloa
** ^ apponilT# f