Page 431 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 431
xi is CStinatod that tho lntor Oulf ro**t Trado amounts t*
g COQfO00 poP aisnv*, hut it la inpoaoiblo to arrivo at an exact
fiC®*® ©wing to tho abnonoo of atatlotlos fron * fow of tho
nioor Arabian porta whore no Europoana roaids.
On the Poreian oido, tho only logielallon of note, hao
boon tho rcnoval of tho cabargo on tho tranoporfc ef a pool o. owing
to tho doproolatlon of tho bran ao tho roault of ovorpurohaaoo,
tho ©xahango vnluo of tho toya foil bolow ito intrinsic value.
Consequently it booano profitable to oxport tho tom to India.
In order to oavo tho country froa bolng drained of hor ourronoy,
the transport of gold and silver ovon unlor oabotago wa3 forblddan.
Ihio noasuro houovor had a vory bad. offoot on trado, and oo tho
HaJXIo rocovod tho cnbargo on cabotage.
On tho Arabian aido, serious efforts voro nado to reorganise
tho CuotoTLa in tho porta of liuncat, liahroln, and Kuwait, under
tho oxport guidance of a aoobor of tho Indian Cuatono Dept.
rhlo haa been attended by good roaulfco. A uni fora tariff of G#
boo:: nproonontc,
ad wolorcza cm Inport© hae/flxod by forner troaties/sts. All
©xporto with tbs orooptioa of dates aro free.
I.latlve industries.
With the exception ff Persian Uarpets, there ere
**• native Industries worthed ef not© exeopt agriculture la
•Peoially favoured spots. Tho oulf ie oolebrated for lte dates
«bieh ore keenly sought after in the (halted State■ #f Anerlea#
India the Oentiaent. Special skips coos oramally to Unseat
^nd the Sbatt-ul-Arab far the da to trado te Aaerlea. A eertain
Utt*'®t af fruit, such aa linos and penogrsmtos, in exported fren
Ue oulf te India.
the preepeets ef fiMg tlv# industry sn the Arabian
•He are very te. The Arab eaimet settle dees te sedentaiy
There is ns th/ough why it should —t be passible
*—surag* it eti the Persian aide* the Persian Severn—nt is
ts 4s by dlss—glnd the —s sf •Is lb.