Page 434 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 434


                    tnoro ere  dopoalta of fled Oxide, which nro boing worked by
                    'ooncocBionarloa- * floo* Galt la a loo bolng qucrrlod on ono of thoao
                    {•lands*   Condition* howeror nllltato agnlnet the ooononle
                    txploltAtlou of thoao concessions*
                        Tho Ptariy fisheries of tho Gulf are rnluablo, Tho value of

                    foarla doclarod for export fron Bohroln taa t 435,000 and fron
                    gowolt £'6,fl00.   In bath eaoos howovor lorco quantities of Poarls
                    vara smuggled aut.
                        Labour throughout tho Oulf 1* vor7 oxponcivo and particularly
                    difficult ta obtain In quantltlos. cllnatlo oonditiono ar« vory
                    flrdflbuj - iwking tho tasks of exploring and exploiting vory

                               Vory llttlo oan bo dono to Inproro connorolal conditions
                    cn tho Arabian cldo.   Tho soil lo arid, tho population ooant and.
                    r.cradio and tho standard of living vorz low - an Arab can 11yo far
                    icoho an a bag of datoo and a bag of flour.
                        On tho Poraian side, howorcr conditions aro far dlff6»uht,

                    Portia la oapablo af groat eoonoaio expansion. aha lo being
                    graToly rotarffed by tho abaonoo of ohoap transport.  Jtaoh of bar
                    trw.da for tha north now passes through 'Iraq, but a certain an aunt
                    paaaos through Bunhlro and hohannorah*   An ottonpt has boon nads
                       tho latter port ta oenstruot a road which will abort - circuit
                     Iraq hut a# far It has not boon Yory offootlre. if however road a,
                    tapabl# af bearing wheeled transport, wore oonatnioted fren tho

                    ^or** to tho Interior, Persia* s trade would * benefit lw10n00l7.C0m.
                        burnt and allowed to rot la Chi raw because It waa ©canonically
                    lapoesible to transport 1% to Duehire 183 nil00 avi'«y» If whoolod
                    tr*a«P©rt ware aval labia this waste could be awaldod. 1
                    •***Uloa of tho oauntry that capital will b# attraat   lltloal
                        Tho next daelderatua lo to oraato wuoh a aattlad

                                                     ;                      to exploit
                        r*'x**l rooourdoo with which Persia lo richly endowed.
                    - **DFtly thrt state'lb being slowly attained and thor© is ©wary
                          U hope that in the course of years Persia will attain a
                            prosperity*       • ; •
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