Page 435 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 435
Tabloa ahowlng valu# of Trod# In the uulf.
Tubla *A"
Part iwrorto Export a
JJuaHlro 8,011,773. B, 087,078 . (1)
Mohonnorah 3,633,818. 8,309,143 . («)
Bahrain 1,?11,684. 603,037.
»un(lor Abb&o 1,419,359. 477,638.
Revolt 833,084. 270,541.
iruaeat 500,400. 189,535.
Llng-ah 191,009. 97,143.
8,907,108. 13,324,-«4.
(l) Including Oplun to tho valuo of 1$ 111 111 on Pounds.
(3) Including zainoral olio oto. to the approxlnnto
valua of S 8,000,000.
note a. These flgoroo do not inoludo tho value of tho cargo
landed at Dubai on tho Trucl&l Coast. It la ostlnated that
on an average 28,000 tono of norohandiae are landed there
annually, noat of thlo la jssugglod Into Porala0
flotoB. Those figures inoludo the Inter - Oulf Port trade which
is octlmtod to be north appropriately 2 800,000 annually.
Table mam
Principal Inperts inte the Persian sulf.
Gotten Ploys feeds etc 8 1,999,688.
Eur.vr 1,888,809.
MeiT. 8 734.780.
H ard .Tore . 2 885,140. X
^cal a charcoal. 2 399,049.
2 383.780.
MrrJnia and rare 2 899,620.
2 178.070.
A Pachlnerr. 2 102,840. X
gc.-r t, 2 143,300. X
MshSm*.. 2 104.070.
East X' .. 72,080.
SMsgaw A 49,350.
fnym^u A 89,440.
10 lot A ' 84,400,
a Carey .A 88)400#