Page 436 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 436
Candles l 10,810.
JC TbtBO itorao nro imported nalnly toy the Angle Poroln Oil,
oo&7*By lu*
Table *0*
Principal Experts froa the Peroian oulf
pcawodlty Value
Mineral Oil* and preduots a,133,790. .
Opixoi 1,848,430.
Pearls 488,230.
Carpels 874.400.
Dates 249,010.
SUBS 124.400.
Alnonde a Pietaohlee 111,090.
fobnooe 04,SOS.
Baw Gotten 37,000.
Fish (dried h Sal tod) 28,000 o
Wheat 17,010.
Eatolna 14,100.
Table "D*
rAnnl7»ln of Tmdo
Gauntry Value PerconlftftQ
Zed la 4,820,889 ni .985s
United Kln&doa 8,204,370 25.6453
Iraq 338,854 3.77*
Belgian 231,575 a.oo*
France 800,769 8.56*
Sorruuty 154,821 1.72*
Japa* 04,148 .90*
K87Pt 83,118 •94*
Java 70,318 ♦86*
United 8tales sf
inert < 47,687 .64*
Italy 82,804 .88*
Bifidsi •1,887 • 88*
let# A It till toe stoserved that India has toy far the greatest
share la the Gulf Trade, This Is due te her gsogayhlsaS
tee graphical pesltlsa, Many merchants vhee knsvledge ef
eaaaorse Is net prefeme, erder all their feeds frea India,
Xaay af the seeds sheva as the preducts ef India really
erlglaate la the United Klngdca er Oentlnoatal a sun tries.
Traashlpaent serges* la Benhay and Karachi worm alse listed
M sf Indian erlgtn,. the figures fer India sennet therefore
be veiled ape*. ................
ftiLU in the nay as India,tout te e Her eat eat, f2iM
Mn‘* M “ «^I*t fw Ui isu