Page 433 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 433


                  1983-24, tho Kona* Lino has started oalllnflo froa lh<t
            Oontinont to tho Persian Gulf, but this sorrlao lo negligible cm

            it ooBolnto only or two - nenthly aalllnga.
                At tho port of Dushlro, during tho yorvr 1023-34, thoro
            anterod 3 Japonooo and two Chlnooo ohlpn for OpluBo Thoeo woro
            of an overage of 3,000 tano.
                    Dotoilo of tho various ourronoioo of tho OUlf are gXvon
            separately. For nil practical pur?0300 howovor tho nupoo and tho
            irvji oro tho only ones U8od and evon tho bran oocuploo a eubaldlary

            poaition to tho rupoo for International trodo.
                As previously otatod thcro aro four banho In tho Oulf, but
            thoao do not do all tho financing.   A conoidorablo onount Is dons
            by \4luo .Payable by Poat^ystca Tilth India, blllo of lading  oven
            bolng sort thlo vay. Ihich of tho finance lo dono by tho rvonoy
            londero, nalnly Indian who soil Bhundis° l.e. drafts on India at
            » discount of anything up to 20^.    Buslnooa with tho 1’nitod
            Klngdon, tho Oontlnoat curd tho Far cast la dono by tho B&nko.

                Tory fou of tho Gulf nerchanto hoop a running ao count with
            &ny fir* abroad. Cenooquontly when o nerohont placoo an order
            bo usually sends a dopoolt of 10# - Z6f with It and the Bon*
            w> 11 ckjto tho hslanoo against tho doeuflonto. This nothed Is tho
            °»ly practicable way of safeguarding tho oensignorfs lntorosts

            104 any valving of tho Initial dopoolt Is to bo seriously
           •Htural Rssowoos,
                            Tho reootxroes of tho aro* shores sf tho Persian
            Qulf ore Uttlo known. On tho Persian side, the known oil flolds
            *** bolng exploited by the Anglo Persian Oil Oeoyony, There lo
                  to believe that oil    7 exist on tho Arabian littoral and
            U Uo  ■oar hinterland and efforts aro bolng node to verify this.

                 Minerals nay also bo fomed In those explanations.
               Oh tho Island of Komis, ghsr Uuoa, and other         lying Islands
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