Page 432 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 432
if iM« attorapt la suoacaaful thoro ahould bo a largo market fop
ojinnlng and weavAgg nahkinery*
■ital and I^hcur*
Condition* In tho uulf In thin roopoot aro
entirely mediaeval* neither labour nor capital aro organalnad —
faet cap&ha&l oapitol In tho woutom aonao doon not oziat in
the Oulf • Thoro aro no n&tifo Conpanioo registered» If a nan
baj money, ho inreot* it In land, and if ho hao a till raoro nonoy,
ho lnveot* it In nilTor or cold • man on t a with trhioh ho adorn*
hit womenfolk*
Ihoro aro in tho whole of tho uuif ( oxoluaivo of ’Iraq) but
four >»**>*■ l*e* at Uoharxsorah, Buahlro, Bund or Abbao, tho Inporlal
Sank of Pcraia have branohoa vhilo in Bahrein tho Kao torn Bank lo
repreaontod* Tho&o porrora two function* (l) enabling on tho
ezohango - tho Persian is a bora gacblor, and (a) ©cl loo ting coney
on norchandlse oonoignod to tho Gulf*
T, Shipping*
Tho shipping of tho Porslan Gulf (ozoopt country craft)
lo entirely in tho hand* of Britlah go no am**
All *hip* trading in tho Oulf (with tho ozoopticn of o ftv
Opium ship which ocno only to Bushire) call at Hoharsaorah or at
Abadan ( which lo under Mohannorah). Tho figure* for Kohaiaaorah
**• thwrwfwre quoted for tho year 1033-84 i-
irtmbor of TQgQOlO Tannage*
(a) Moiiazaispu^i," ( Bte^a )
BwitUh la 888,8880
rroaoh . 8 6,408*
Abadan ( Bt< 1
British 804 3,039,798*
frtath • 89,887*
tetoh 8 11,800*
(b) Mohanmerah ^Country Graft)
Mum 11 t,8T8*
Nriiu 884 4,098*
9 . X80*
•irao 884 4,714*
Kowoii 88 759*
• Abadan (country Craft) !