Page 427 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 427
Tb# fcllnrln^ art all tho min export duties «•
Ifolural Cma, (Aooadaotlda «t<J) 4/4 ad valorem.
Carpotu, ( Aulllno dyodJ 12* • o
Oorpotflf ( natural dy*d) nil.
Pearls and prooloua stones c* ■ «
Bilk*raw or ooacta 1> brims a b
TGwOCOtf loaf* X bran * s
f«abaoso ,wubq£ ao lured 8 krona •
Opiun N GO krar*j " 9
On tbs Arabian eido, tbs Import Ratios arc firs peer sent ad
valsrosi whilo all oxporta oxoopt hidoo and dates aro fre*.
Xha figure a of Import a and oxporto quoted aro token froa
official ocairooo for tho yoar/f 1023-24 o fho figuroo for tho
year 1004-25 arc not yot available* Thoro la no i?ooooa
t* expert any groat ch&gjno In thoir value for 1034-23 and tbs
cennento havo boon nod© to toko tho report up t© datoo