Page 429 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 429
72m frodo of tho Poralan aulf*
introduction .
?a f-v The Paroian Gulf oorvoo as a noona of wa*ml-
, Jr*ri/rj-
cation for two land naoood, via Arabia and Forala. In both.
the population lo cnall and poor no that tho ccnnatfoo of tho
region lo Of a oonparatlvoly email abrogate valuo. Owing to tho
general land formation an both oldoa of tho aulf, port* havo oprung
up on tho and a of natural routoa oonrriunloating with tho oont&fa of
population la tho Interior, Eztlufllvo of *17115, with which thla
ropert ifl not concerned, tho principal port io Dunhiro on tho
Persian side. Tho othors In order of Importanco aro, Mohamorah,
Bahrein, Bunder Abbaa, Kowolt, lluacat and Lingoh 0
Au oaoh of the a o porta, have little or no econonlo connection
vita tho othoro, tho boot nothod of doallnj with tho oubjeot it
to treat oaoh port separately,,
I.Cogmail cat long <l
Tho only otcorazhlp naming regular oorviooa to tho Gulf Porto
is tho British India atean navigation Oonpony Ltd. Thia Ooopany
boo too aervloca (a) The fast nail - running in each direction
fresa India to 'Iraq oaoo a vock calling at Bonbay, Karachi, Buahiro,
Kohaanoyah aad Haora, and (b) tho glow nail - alee a weekly aorvloo
111 •••h iimUm calling at all tho porta in the oulf^ 7^
The Dost ateoaafcip aeapoay in ordor of iapertano# la by
*•••*• y.O.Btrlok a Go Ltd. Thia Gonpany x» In tala a direct aorvloo
**** Gaitod Kingdom to tho Poralaa Oulf. The atearners hoverav
•*** *t the porta of .Bun&ar Abba a, BUohiro, and uehannorah only.
***• aorvloo la Irregular but vorka out to ana boat ovary throo
*' • s.
Tho Oaapaay of Hamburg, alee run dir oat atawara trm tho
^^taoat to the Gulf at Irregular Intervals af approving to ly
toa ithOe