Page 426 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 426

                             postage* to suit ths feilowlng moans of transport! oaoh
                             eoQflsta of tw balsa                            • r
                                       1 Ooat 1 l«Ul           lbs 409
                                       1 Hull load             lbs £00 i r«
                                       1 Dctfco/ load          lbs ts^-u&a ;
                             rroijflii Rats*.

                                 Tbs STops go froltfSit rats from tho oulf to 0t, Britain aal
                             ths Continent was g 8-10-0 a ton* carpota woro shargod at
                             I B-10-0 a ton. Ratos t# tbs Uni tod Btatoa nvoragod out at
                             I 8. a ten.
                                ' General sarge to India aYeragod Ba 18 q ton Yhll* bag
                             sargo cu charged at Es 1/8 exoopt Tool*and n2dLns, which

                             sost Suposs 8 a basils*
                             Custom. _
                                 Tho Psrslan lnport dutloo aro rath or hiffh and bars lod
                             is viob sniggling af tsa and sugar,  Tho dutloo on tho
                                  nsr imparts ars
                                 Bssplss Free.                                         ^
                                 Tsa Vhite 8 brans a bateau (8) lbfijpluo a nooopol/ tsarsf
                                           8 krone a batsaa.                           -
                                 Tsa sthsr .4 Iran* a bataaa (6) lbojplua a noaopoly tM af -
                                           8 krans a Mania*                             ___
                                          BO Cents to 1 Kras, a batman according to
                                             qualit j. Plus, a tsspsrafy surtax af tho saas
                                             «sount« f^d'rct is alas a monopoly tax of S
                                             Iran* a batnan.
                                          1*88      i. a
                                 Hppsp (terry.   1 crag a

                                 Oottoa thread.   1  s o     s
                                 Oottoa n        8*48 Irani a ba4
                                 Loatbsr         liN to 9 Krans a ba
                                            >•   18* al raiorsn.
                                                 at* •
                                                 xa* •     #

                                                 18* •     o
                                 aisToissJisttrfi la* •    o
                                 Olgarsttso Is            psr bai     (grsss)
                                 Cigarettes tsl lo        a ba1
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