Page 437 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 437
got® 0> The figures In this report for Oonwnj 1 for 1085-34 1
will bo found to bo Yor7 low, aa carprvrcrt with thots® for
1024-25# Uc2fr innately those are not yet avallablo# but It
1« not difficult to prophesy a groat Inoroaaa*
Country “Value Pore onto,»r®
---- 7T"
United Kingdom 0,4*9,785 44.0* (11
India 3,500,031 18.42*
B ffypt 1,074,204 0.72*
Kuasia 048,203 6.67*
Ados 584,883 3.07*
•Iraq 297,eS8 8.42* 1)
China 844,103 8.01# n)
Qlngaporo 214,800 1.74* i)
United states of
Anoriaa 183,983 1.33*
Franco 141,034 1.14*
Japan 60,319 .03* (3)
Dolglun 55,528 .20*
(1) These Ilona mostly nado up of Mineral Oil and
(a) Those Ifcezao oonaiat saalnly of Opiun.