Page 458 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 458


                                               . Imports.

                             1926-27.                                 1927-28.
                                 Principal                      Principal
                                 countries                     countries
                    Value        of origin     Articles of      of origin       Value
                     in £       in order of      trade.        in order of      in £
                               importance.                    importance.

                                              Colton piece-
                    403.373    . India         Printed      1.  Great Britain  468.348
                            {2 2. Great Britain  }        { 2.  India      }
                    232,188   India  • • •     Woven with   India              109,525
                                               dyed thread
                     83.661   1.  Gieat Britain  Bleached ...  1.  Great Britain  100,145
                            {  2.  India    }             { 2.  India      }
                    330,151   India               Tea       India             293.310
                    (52,005   Duty paid*)                       (Duty paid*    47,402)
                    154,974   1.  France       Loaf     • ••  1.  France       111.206
                            {  2.  Belgium   }            { 2.  Belgium    }
                    (76.415   Duty paid*)                       (Duty paid*    73,715)
                     39,130   Java             Soft         Java                18,950
                    (21,761   Duty paid*)                       (Duty paid®     16.385)
                     36,468   United States ... Motor Cars   United States ...  53S.878
                                               and Lorries.

                   1,279.945  Total                         Total          ...»1.640,362
                    827,450   Balance                       Balance ...   ...j 415,913
                   2,107,395 Total Imports                  Total Imports 2,056,275
                      •.Vote.—Duty "paid on sugar and tea has been included in this table to show
                   the very heavy incidence and the big increase in taxation in 1927-28. When
                   the monopoly tax and compound road tax have also been levied the price of
                   sugar is increased by over 100 per cent.
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