Page 461 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 461


                                        III PORTS.
                    1928-27.                                 1927-28.

                        Principal                      Principal
                        countries                      countries
            Value       of origin      Articles of     of origin       Value
                       in order of       trade.       in order of       in £
            in L
                      importance.                     importance.
                      1.  India                    ’1. India
                    { 3.  Great Britain  Cotton yarn  3.  China       350.615
            377.892  2.  Japan                      2.  Japan     1
                                                    4.  Great Britain
            313.237   1. India         Cotton piece-   *1. India   1  315.081
                    { 2. Great Britain j goods.     2. Great Britain
             4S.5SS :  1.  Belgium    Loaf          1.  Belgium        35.215
                    { 2.  France   }              { 2.  France    }
             27.944  Java             Soft          Java               21.490
             35,049  India ...            Tea.      India              15.S82
            832.760 ; Total                         Total             738.283
            205,561 ; Balance                       Balance ...       196.716
           1.038,321 ! Total Imports                Total Imports ... 934,999

                   1926-27.                      i           1927-28.
                   I   Principal                       Principal
                       countries                       countries
           Value I consigned to       Articles of    consigned to      Value
            in £   ;   in order of      trade.        in order of       \n£
                   ! importance.                     imports nce_
            142,951 : United States ..  Carpets i 1. Great Britain
                                                 |  2. United States  101,974
                                                 ! 3. India
             45,816  India        ...; Raw cotton J India              68,120
            34,030   India        ...I Nuts and j 1. Belgium
                                    j dried fruits i 2. India          59.005
                                    1            '  3. UnitedStates
            54.139   India              Dates    | India               41,008
            31,484   India               Gum     f India               16,628
           308.420   Total                         Total              286.735
            92.331   Balance                     !  Balance ...   ...  63,717
           400.751   Total Exports               J Total Exports .. . 350,452

                   Total Trade—1926-27                  • • •  1.439.072
                   ^    „       1927-28   ' ...  ................ 1.285.451
                   Conversion rate. 1926-27  ...  Krans 48 00=^1.
                       ##   #•    1927-28  • • •  Krans 50*37
   456   457   458   459   460   461   462   463   464   465   466