Page 466 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 466
The following table gives the imports from the principal
countries for the years named:—
1925-26 1926-27 1927-28
l £ l
India 1,210,223 1,510.550 1,658.227
Arab Coast ... 209,784 190,768 162.674
Persia 61,636 71,424 77.619
Iraq............... 14,815 39,051 65.968
India supplies the bulk of the imports of specie, rice, cotton
piece-goods, sugar and coffee. The bulk of the import of cotton
piece-goods from the United Kingdom is shown as imported from
Imports fram the Arab coast reach second place in the above
table mainly through importation of small quantities of a large
number of different kinds of goods among which dates, specie,
ghee and firewood are noticeable in value. Most of the remaining
goods are probably re-exports. The same remarks apply to
Persian imports, cereals, live animals, dried fish and dried fruits
being the imports of purely Persian origin which attain to
respectable figures.
The imports from ‘Iraq are made up of a large number of small
items, most of which are probably re-exports.
The only other item of the import trade worthy of note is sugar,
of which nearly £'40,000 worth was imported from France and
Belgium in each of the two years 1926-27 and 1927-28, an increase
of nearly 500 per cent, over the amount imported in 1925-20.
Probably the bulk of this sugar was later smuggled into Persia.
The principal exports in order of value are:—(I) Specie; (2»
rice; (0) pearls (see below); (4) cotton piece-goods; (5) sugar.
The following table shows the exports to principal countries
during the three years named :—
1925-26 | 1926-27 1927-28
l l L
Arab Coast ... ’ 540,435 504,824 529.907
India 467,658 492,876 369.520
Persia 134,454 112,229 109.615
Specie and pearls go mainly to India, and rice, cotton piece-
goods and sugar to the Arab coast. Persia takes a fair quantity
of the last three classes of goods.
The total trade for the three years was:—
1925-26 1926-27 1927-28
£ l £
2.776.646 3,012,980 3.043.222