Page 463 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 463

            The populations of Muscat and Mattrah have recently been
         estimated at 4,340 and 8,240 respectively. Owing to decreased
         trade at Muscat the Indian community, which formerly handled
         95 per cent, of the trade there, has largely disappeared. Many
         have moved to Mattrah, the trade of which has grcatl}' increased
         in recent years, largely on account of easier communication with
         the interior of Oman.
            Currency.—The currency of the country is the silver Maria
         Theresa dollar, but trade with the outside world is financed with
         British sovereigns, Indian silver rupees and rupee notes.
            The Maria Theresa dollar-rupee exchange in 1926-27 varied
         between Rs.150 per S100 in June, 192G, and Rs.l2S-6-0 per $100
         in March, 1927.
            In 1927-28 it varied between Rs.132 per $1G0 in July, 1927, and
         Rs.l2G per $100 in February, 1928.
            There are no banks in Muscat and trade is carried on among the
         native merchants by a system of issuing drafts called Hundis.
            Trade.—The principal imports in order of value in 1927-28
         were:—(1) Rice; (2) cotton piece-goods; (3) coffee; (4) soft sugar.
            The principal countries which imported goods into Muscat in
         the three years 192-5-26, 1926-27 and 1927-28 were as follows : —

                                          1925-26 i 1926-27     1927-28
                                              l    i ;  l          l
               India                  ...j 394,839   289,776   293.402
               Persia                 ...j   17.046 i :  15,892  18.513
               United Kingdom         ...I   12.333  : i  9.405  13.878
               Singapore ...                                    30.974

            In this table the import of nearly £31,000 worth of coffee beans
         from Singapore in 1927-28 is noteworthy as a new departure. In
         former years coffee came mainly from India and Ceylon.
            India supplies the bulk of the imports of rice, cotton soods and
         soft sugar.
            The Persian quota of imports is made up of small quantities of
         many different kinds of goods, most of which are re-exports.
            The quota of the United Kingdom is mainly composed erf
         cotton piece-goods, tobacco and cigarettes, and wines and spirits.
            The principal exports in order of value are:—(1) Dried and
         salted fish; (2) dates.
            The principal countries to which goods were exported during
         the same three years were as follows :—

                                          1925-26 ! 1926-27     1927-28
                                              £ 1
               India      • ••  • ••      175,164    111.328       £
               Cevlon ..............  • ••  3,379 j 9,729       100,617
               United States               26.425 |  12.896      10,520
               Persia     • ••  • ••  • ••  6,383      7.546     4.185
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