Page 459 - 6 Persian Trade rep BUSHIRE 2_Neat
P. 459
1926-27. 1927-28.
! Principal Principal
countries countries
Value consigned to Articles consigned to Value
in l in order of of trade. in order of in l
importance. importance.
1. Vladivostok... Opium. 1. Vladivostok
2. Singapore ... 2. Singapore 821.982
1.894,136 }
] 3. Japan 3. Japan
4. China 4. China
127.579 1. Egypt Carpets. 1. Great Britain 173,820
{ 2. Great Britain 2- Egypt — }
1. India ...
1. Great Britain
150.281 ; { 2. India Tragacanth 2. United States 138,838
i 3. Great Britain }
53,881 i India ................ Dried fruits India 65.293
and nuts.
34,399 f 1. Great Britain Si ins and 1. Great Britain > 59.122
2. India furs. 2. India ...
38,394 j Egypt ... ...i Tobacco Egypt • • • . ...i 28.531
2.298.670 j Total Total ...1.287,586
156.719 ! Balance Balance ... I 107,656
2,455.389 , Total Exports Total Exports ... 1.395,242
Total trade, 1926-27... ... 4,562.788
»» 1927-28... ... 3,451,517
Conversion rate, 1926-27 ... Krans 48-70 to £h.
•• ## 1927-28 ... Krans 49-47 to £\-
General.—Bandar Abbas, situated at the mouth of the Persian
Gulf, is built at the head of a large bay across the month of which
and forming a natural breakwater, stretch the three islands of
Hormuz, Larak and Kishm. The town extends for about one and
a-half miles along the beach and consists of a straggling collec
tion of houses built of sun-dried bricks. From Bandar Abbas
pn^ °ut various caravan routes leading into the interior of
ersia, and the importance of the town is derived from its entrepot
trade as a distributing centre. Barely five per cent, of imports are
actually consumed in the town itself, while the hulk are forwarded
lo German, Yezd, Lar and other inland towns.