Page 106 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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bow force is to bo applyed ; the computation of tbe charge necessary thereunto;
what ships & boats, what number of men, what sorts and store of amunition
& what time will bo required to carry on this dcsigno thoroughly, is a subjeot
of much weight &so neorly touches your Gcn.JL trado and yo JL Hon-X. that
we dare not offer our raw & indigested thoughts; but wee have desired M.IL
Holt and Cap_L Young to adviso seriously, & wo also having rco-i. their
results, shall maturely deliberate thereon, and by returno of your next ships for
Europe shall humbly offer our judgmii of the whole affaire to yo'- wise
Gsbald Adngibb, President and Council at Surat, to Thomas Holt, etc?- Agent and Council
in Persia.
Respected Friends,
Since our last of the 16 9ber wee have reel 6 letters from your Port to
witt one of y°_ 2.B? 8bor dat in Spahaun signd by Mr. Rolt & Mr. Child the
other of the 13 & 27 9ber & 16 Xber: all signd by Mr. Child reel by Shys
Ormoosmeroh: Advance Friggat & Sallamany whereunto wee shall now
answer to all materiall causes; acknowledging first the receipt of the
Honn-i- Compi letters to us: as also to the Ffaotors at Hughly & the copy of
their Letter to your selves together with the Carmania wool & goods for
Bantam consigned to us by the Advance & the Horje sent us by the Ormoos
merohk for the amo*. whereof we have given yor ffactory credit; in aoco*
excepting the Kirmam wool whose Invoice yoB. have not yet sent to us.
S«mo6i of Rolt Wee take notice of the little success Mr. Rolt hath found in his continued
TbTpIrd»u^c»onot wearysome & chargeable attendance on the Persian Court; we observe also
mmw byhpre«eot> ra(*vance whsk hath bin made in the customs due to the Honb,a Compl from
or forbearance. • * tomjL, when great obstruction was pretended to be offered by means of
y%. ships employed by the Preside the first yeare of Mr. Rolts arrival! to 800
tom^i. when no such occasion could be pretended; we are truly sensible of
your labours & carefull endeavours to procure the Comp^L due right from y9.
Persians & know you lost no prudent ways unattempted to promote their
interest; In fin wee are not wanting to take into our consideration the unjust
force w2k the Persian puts upon yo® & doe agree with yo?. in our Judgm-
that till the Comp shall please to make use of force to maintaine their right
they must never expect that y*. Persians either by presents or by a forbearance
will be persuaded to doe yB in justioe therefore, seing you also press us there
unto wee shall not faile to represent to the Honbl# Committees how their case
Btands in y% most effectual; manner we can leaving the issue thereof to their
wisdomes who can best determine & resolve what is behoofull for their affairs;
You still thinke good to charge us w^k. unkindnes not sending you last year
the presents yon wrott for we are sorry to find yoi resolved not to consider
that we are bond up by order from y*. Comps, to the contrary ; but that yo~
may be convinced of our inclinations to assist yo® in what we may we have
taken under debate the particulars w°k you now bespoake from us ; & doe now
send yo^- by this ship Charles; those particulars which we have taken out of
the Compi owne goods together w*_ the bromnants of colloured cloth but as
to y9r at 4,000 rups. w?L yo“ desired of Indians stuffs wo declare to yo% that
we cannot lay out so much money without order from y% Comp^ which if
yon oan procure we will not faile to supply yoB though it bo to a fare greater