Page 103 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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all charges of house expenses, presents, and all other charges whatsoever,
Socondly (in case this will not take effect) then haveing withdrawn all our
Factors and all remains from thence, let a factor from Surratt (according as
you have advised us) at the latter end of the yeares he sent to Gombroome to
require our duo of the Customes, which, if refused, it must rest upon Accompt
for a futuro reckoning which woe shall put in execution. Wee leave the con-
8ideratiou of these two perticulers to your serious thoughts, and which of them
you shall conclude most proper and convenient to consist with our Nations
honour and the Company’s interest, let that bee accordingly prosecuted, and
endeavour according to those directions you formerly received from us, to
settle and compose the businesse and advise us the heBt way in case a settle
ment bee not concluded, how wee may rite ourselves.
Wee having given lvbertie to our President to imploy his two ships in
India, for his owne Accompt from Port to Port, it is our expectation that for
what goods shall bee sent on the said shipps, or any others that shall saile
with English collors for his or any others account to Persia or elsewhere that
our full due of Customes bee made good unto us, and no part thereof withheld
from us, and also that noe English shall collour the goods of Banians, Armenians
or others, that shall bee carried in any shipps for Persia, but let them pay
their full Customes to the Persian, that thereby the former complaints of the
Persians for this too often practized abuse may bee now at length taken off,
and they thereby encouraged to give us a larger proportion of the Customes
then formerly.
George Oxindeu and Council at Surat to tho Court of Director*, dated 2Sth January 1608-04.
Rigbt Worp^ &?? our HoNod. Friends.
Our humble service presented to yod. acceptance etoJL, our last unto you Insolence of the
was of y^. 14th November past sent hence in a vessaill of y.? Country to Outrag^onthe
'irican/' ” Persia recommended to yod ffactors there to forward to Alleppo, copie whereof Mg^tedinordeT
goeth herewith, to w^. bee pleased to bee referred, whilst wee shall according Engliah
to our promise then made you proceed in responding to yd. several? clauses of
your 1”. of yd. 24th March by yd. “ Loyall Merohant ” and “ Affrican. ”
Wee read in the front of yod. letter yd. great expectations you have of
being better dealt with in Persia grounded upon a Letter from Gombroone of
yd. 3rd May subscribed by Md Cradocke and Md. Cranmer, that y^.
King had commaunded the Sbawbunder to pay you yd. full moyetv of
yd. Customes and that both heo and the other officers were more then ordinarily
respective to them. Sure wee are there hath been nothing of reall p.formance
in any one partiouler and wonder they so little understood yd. temper and
dispositions of those people as to thus highten your hopes, w$ certainly they
would not have done had they thourouglily conversed w ^ the perfidious
practises of y^-nation all along wg. yod. servant, who think themselves not
at all obliged in honnod. to make good what they engage to you in verball
expressions by way of complement. And of this Md. Cradock hath since felt
yd. sad experience in y° dishonnours and affronts put upon our people the
Sbawbunder lately commaunding to seize upon yod Broker and in his presence
to bee most grieviously beaten y^. bee was carried away doubtfull of life.