Page 99 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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eminency, & such this affaire doth require, at least two ou each
4,'r. The small burthen of our shipping, wsL caunot coutaiue i part of
the goodes those Jounks carry, w°.h. must bo taken out to find the
goodes of the subject of the King of Persia.
6,T. The power of tho Dutch is too great to be overruled by our small
force, tho number of their shipping in Persia the two passed
yeares assures us they are acquainted wA our designe & await
an opportunity to affront us.
6,J. The danger of our Employers Estate remayning in Persia undisposed
off, to the amo.V of ster, as wee were lately advised by the
Agent at tho Port, wc>- upon approach of our shipping will
certainly be seized on.
7’r. The danger of those persons shall remaine here while tho designers
acting. For wee cannot block up the Per sian Gulpli, but this
King will be sensible of the injury doue to his Port; & if wee
have lately rec-A. so great injuries from these people without
offence given, what may wee expect when they have a pretended
Lastly. The want of a place or harbour for security of our shipping to
winter in at our rctourne from Persia, w°Ji- at soonest will be the
latter end of May & then this coast will be too dangerous to
adventuro on.
From all w'J1 considerations there was this conclusion gathered (each
person first declaring bis readiness to undertake the designe had they but so
many shipps as were nominated in the Commission, viz A. six) that a forco being
wanting to goe through the works wJJ honour & repute to their Nation, pro
vision of goods should be ordered for the lading home the Oharterparties shipps,
& this Persian affaire referred to our Masters furth * consideration for a larger
supply of shipping & men.
The former busiuess being determined the PresidJL propouuded the Compy.
Commission for the taking of Danda Itajapore Castle, but there was the same
want of men & shipping objected. The P-*. also having a Commission directed
to PJL Wyche, was not to be opened untill the Persian action was
finished (& yet remaines sealed) supposing the same may give further
instructions concerning Danda Itajapore that affaire lies dormant untill a
greater force awake it.
Proceedings of the Chief and Council at Surat, 21st January 1661(-62).
The agency of Persia, through the death of Mr. Foster and return 0f A?poi"tm.nt. ol
Agent Buekeridg, being unfurnished with a person qualified for so eminent an *£*,?*'
employment, we have made ohoieo of Mr. Richard Cradook to succeed and of S°2oond“wi!li
Mr. George Cranmor to he his second, and Mr. William Rolt, a young man well Eo!k “ M“ther