Page 102 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 102
Extract from the Commission* issued to Jlfr. Richard Bind well and Mr. Ralph Lambtm by the
Chief in Council at Sural, on lifth March 166 \.
Instructions as to In June, we make no doubt but you will bo ready to dispeed tbo “ Sea-
•ales at Basrah.
Flower,” by the middle at the farthest, if not sooner, wo desire it may bo
accomplished, and on her Mr. Ralph Lambton and Henry Bromfiold to voyago
the cargo to be consigned to Mr. Ralph Lambton for dispose, and tbo Chief
of Bussorab, in case any be there at his arrival or he voyago thither for it
at Bussorah we say Gombroon, 30 per cont. profit clear of all charges (freight
reckoued in) can be obtaiued there. Mr. Lambton, you have license to make
sale of it there; if not to proceed to Bussorah, this we desire your notice of,
and because the freight of the pre-mentioned cheiabye’s goods is agreed for
Bussorah also, being no other ship going thither with that commodity will
cause the rising iu price, unless you can agree with his vakeel to sell at
Gombroon also, this we leave unto your discretion to conclude desiring it may
be so acted that afterwards there muy be noj)retences, nor trouble. Mr. Bladwell
you are to return on the * Gunsavov ’ one of the King’s Junks with what
money of the Company’s, etc., you shall be possessed of, and hope Mr.
Sainthill also for if he observes order we desire you to give him the respect of
chief in the management of our master’s affairs, but take great care you be
not baffled by him or over ready by fair words or promises to no purpose : This
affair is weighty, you go about, being the clearing of the factory is our desire
and order, and therefore so act, that you may have reputation \\ ith our Hon’ble
employers and commeudation from them who are your assured friends.f
Extract from a Despatch, dated the 10th August 1663, from the Court of Directors to the
President and Council at Surat.
Concerning our Factory in Persia, wee concur with you that it will bee
Order for 4
withdrawal of more for our profitt, to desert then continue it, baviug alwais found it charg-
aLTouly leaved or’able many ways, and exceeding that pittance of Customes which those Persians
3 servants at
Gombroon to are pleased to afford us, wee therefore tender you these 2 propositions, first,
wa!^forU3tOID, *nd ^-s ^at wkich will consist more with the honour and repute of our Nation,
opportunity to then the latter, wee propose that if you can pitch upon 2, or 3, able, honest,
renew trade.
faithful persons, to reside at Gombroone, to receive our part of the Customes,
aod to make sale of our Goods when they shall arrive at that Port, "We are
contented that they shall bee allowed 5 per cent, upon all monies received for
our part of Customes as also for all goods they shall sell for our Accompt, and
the said parties shall in lieu of the said 5 per cent, performe the prementioned
businesse of receiving our Customes, makiug sale of our goods, and retorue all
monies received for our account, without any allowance of sailary, and beare
• On tb© 18th Marob 1861 tb© Chief in Council at Surat doputed two of their servants, Mr. Richard Bladwell
and Mr. Ralph Lambton, to Mocha with an investment of goods, with instructions after disposing of them to
dissolve the East India Company's Factory at that place, when Mr. Lambton was ordered to proceed on to
Gombroon and Basrah and Mr. Bladwell to rttnrn to Surat from Mocha.
t From the Commission and Instructions in Nos. XII and XVI it would appear that in the year 1661-62 the
East India Company had no Agent or Chief constantly residing at Basrah, but that on© or move of their
*ervants belonging to the Factory at Surat or at Gombroon in tbo Persian Gulf was from tiro© to timo eont to
Bostora for th© sale and purchase of investments and that they returned to their station on the completion of
the service on which they had been sent.