Page 101 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
P. 101

         be taken wih them, besides fairo words, w°Jl yet bath not been put in practice,
         yet they fearo w4- they deserve, & hope it being civilly urged & the
         advantage made use of may cause them to comply & boget a more open hand
         then formerly, so y 4 wee shall not expect less then 1,000 Tomaunds, though
         get what you can, 400 or more on this shipp woe desire you to retourne.
             Robert Manly woe have now entertayned into wages in y-i- Comp-i-
         aorvico at 6 Tomaunds salary yearly. Hoe bath been a const-L servant in the
         bowse, & now wee send him to wait on you, bee being not only furnished
         wil language enough vJL qualifies him for an employment as Interpreter, but
         experience in treating w**1 the Ckaun, Shaw-bunder & officers of the towne,
         enables him to tell you what bath been the practice of your predecessors,
         besides MJL Fflowers yeares Residence there, will render him to be Master of
         by£ custome of the place, of both wsL you may make use, as you shall see
         occation, desireing you to be as frugall both in presents & bowse expences as
             So much bath been the villanies & baseness of Tockersee yi- long since
         wee  tourued him out of the Hon*1? CompM. Employing- and then sent for him
         to repaire hether yA- hee might have justice done him as on y^. side also of
         the Hon*.1? Company; but those wee employed failed us, & M.r. Buckerridg
         promised to bring him but sickness prevented. Wee sent therefore Cap-A
         Middleton to force him hether, but if our expectation be not answered & y4
         you cannot procure his mission so much desired, wee doe by these presents
         discard him the Companyes service, aud forbid him coming, into their howse,
         or any employrni- in refcrrence to their affaires, having for the dispatch of w.A
         affaires of theirs of yJL nature as shall preseut, sent another along with you
         named Suntockee VctokerJL, having had experience of his abilityes, both here
         & there also, as good security for his truth, therefore shall recommend him
         unto you for his encouragement.
             Death hath been so familiar in those parts caused by ill aire staying so Agent and Counoil
         long in it in Gombroon, y-i- to remedy it wee cannot deny you lycense of “teht proceed to
         absenting your self out of it, either to Sbirax. or Espahaun, & though in during0' Ispaban
         either there will be but little of our Masters affaires to be acted, yet your
         presence will cause respeot uuto ihe Nation, & in the spending of some few
         mouthes in absence from Gombroon, recovery of yo_£- health, wBjL cannot be
         obtained in yJL place, but us before wee earnestly desire your frugality, y_l the
         Honble CompJL may not complayne of a costly factory.
            Much wee must leave unto yo* discretion, & therefore desire  your
        frequent advices, yA. in wJ_ you may bo wanting of information may be
        retourned & supplied from up, w4k what our experience can furnish you.
        Our Masters advices are daylie expected, w4k wee give you libertie to open,
        & take copies of keeping the contents very private, because wee suppose
        affaires of great consequence will be treated of in them, not fit for the view of
        all. What is here wanting, wee hope your dilligent endeavours after   our
        HonA® Employers benefitt will prompt you to supply, therefore wishing   you
        health & a blessing on your endeav^L, subscribe

                                         Your assured loving Efriends,

                                               MATHEW ANDRE WES.
                                               JOHN LAMBTON.
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