Page 105 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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when they have done, which will bee very destructive, when it shall bee con-
siderod that you have no manner of footing or settlement here in India, soe yS.
your trade out and home may boe stopped for a time, w<£ having well con
sidered had wco (as wee have not) shipping &?r sufficient for such an enter-
price, we should not presume to engage you in a business of so great moment
as things may succeed without first having yoJL possetive orders for it, and so
much woo have advised M a Cradock cto. wishing them to informe you in all
matters which wee hope hee hath or will doe. As also will bee able to main-
taino his charge against MA Andrewes in yA abuse done you in giving his
shipp yA start of yA “ Hopewell ” soe much to your prejudice. YA- ffreight
yJLhcemade of your pepper laden aboard yA “Ormous* you will find
entered in folio 33 in your Journall P; for which hee is accountable to you and
likewiso yA ingrossing yA freight backc, but here not having yA copie of
MJL Cradooks 12. to yoA wee know not wi furthJL to ansA.
Extract from letter from Sir George Ox in den, Mr. Goodlier, etc., President and Council at
Surat, to the E. 1. Co.—(Su>ally Marine,) 4th April 1664.
We have considered of what you write concerning your factory of Arrangements made
. * . in compliance with
Persia, making your 2 propositions you there insert into them, enoraermg the Court's
Mr. Cradock to repair to us by the next Bussorah Ship that shall call there, Aa8RPu8thi663th
and Mr. Fflower, and Mr. Swinglehurst to continue, but not to journey up to(No*XVI1^
Ispahan and this course we have at last thought the best, for a year, two, or
three, and not to draw them totally off, lest it cause a dispute of that small
pittance, we now receive from them conditionally, these remaining factors now
that the grandeur is taken off will be more moderated in their expenses, which
if you shall approve of, rather than to leave the port void of any English, be
pleased to confirm by your next.
Extract from a letter from Messrs. Aungier, Grey, President and Council at Surat, to
the E. I. Co., 3rd February 1671.
M A Thomas Bolt hath communicated to us the small success he hath Failure of Eolt’a
found in his troublesome attendance on the Persian Court; declaring to us his court^EWa.
judgmJL, that unless yoJL Honnii shall please to vindicate & maintaine your Armed foroe
the only remedy.
right by open force, the King of Persia will soon defeat yo A of that small
stipend of Customes w°.5- they have hitherto allowed yoA, for that dayly they
impose on yoJL priviledges & by the continued molestation w-2* they put
upon the merchants doe ondeavour to destroy yA Port of Gombroon that they
may set up Bunder Reague or some other Port of their owne. This affaire
soe neerly concerning yoJ we have taken under our debate, CapA. Young
being here with us in Councell; & doe thinke it our dutys to advise yoA. that
if you resolve to preserve your right of Customs at Gombroon it is necessary
for you to let the Persian know that you risend their proceeding, and wee
doe joyne in opinion w* Ei Holt y4_ it is high time for yoA. to put in
execution what hath bin so long threatned, yA. suspence whoreof hath made
the Persian so bold to presume on yo a goodness; but as to the way & method
2578 F. D. —