Page 100 - Gulf Precis (I-A)_Neat
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deserving to accompany them and be omployed as the said Mr. Craddock shall
find him capable. A considerable quantity of Scindia goods being returned
hither from Persia and Bussora as improper for those markets, we conclude it
most for the benefit of our employers to send thorn to the market of Mocha.
Cot* mist ion and instructions given by us the President Ǥ* Conncell of India. Persia, etc.
unto our loving friende MJL. Richard Cradock proceeding as Agent in the negotiating
of the Uon~L CompSL Affaires in Persia <$* are to be observed by him there. Dated on
Stcally Marine y±? 3JL day of March Anno Domini 166
Wee being sufficiently experienced of yoJL abilities in y± despatch of our
Masters affaires iu those employ mil you have been put upon, have now con-
eluded & appointed you Agent in Persia, death having deprived us of those
ffrieuds wee sent thither yJL last yeare ; wee also ordered M-L. George Cranmer
your second & to keepe the accompli, yourself having constant inspection
into them, that there may be no mistake nor delayes as the former yeares have
produced, nothing hut promises no performances, y_L wee are ignorant of those
passages most necessary to be knowne, \v5k irregular course wee desise for the
future you will prevent to bo practiced. This wee here hinted first because of
so much concermuA it being 3 yeares almost since wee ree l- any accomp-L
though MJL Fflower, who is at this tyme (wee know nothing to the contrary)
there resident & hath but little of our Masters business to hinder y • accom.
plishing of the rehersed, w^L is so material ; and though Mjl Fflower may
expect V-®-quality of sec A, yet for this rnaine reason, & some other, wee
conferr it on MJL George Cranmer, hee to succeed as third, or leave Persia for
The agent to Wee shall now come to acquaint you w^ what needfull in order to y-i_
proceed on the
Hopewell to answering of our Honkl® Employers desires and our expectation. The “ Hope-
tbat hT?°propeTij well” wee having full laden w-£ freight goods, the great Cabin is reserved for
received by the
8habbunder. your accommodation, therefore desire your repaire on board upon receipt of
these, hoping in a months tyme it will please God to arrive you safe to the port
of Gombroon, upon w?J- give notice unto Ml. Fflower, requiring his repaire a
board unto you, informing you how affaires stand, & that hee retourne to
informe the Governour, Shawbunder etc Jl officers of the towne of your arrivall,
and in wJL quality, that as accustomary they may give you a respective
reoeption, w« done their vissitt will follow, their custome being to be punc-
tuall in ceremonies, wsk by you must be retourne, and will be soone passed
over. In y_®. meane tyme you may be unlading the shipp of her freight goods
& if a considerable freight for Bengala & Metchlepatam is procurable, to
cleane her at Ormuz & send her thither. Wee say a considerable freight
yjL is more yJL can be probably procured for Surat, wSjL wee would not have
less valued yjL 30U Tomaunds, if shee proceeds to those parts, but if 6hee
retourne hither you need not make her cleane, but dispeed her wi|- what,
ffreight procurable so soone as possible, hope in 10 dayes shee may be dis
patched, you must not forget a large proportion of wine & some fruit.
Ioaiat oq pajmeot On her wee shall expect a portion of Customes, so much as you can per-
of at least 1,000 swade the Shawbunder to part with, the practise of the Persian for these many
tomans for caatoma.
yeares hath been still to cut off as much of the Hon^ Companye9 due as they
could perswade our friends there to rest silent with, for w°A. reason and many
other not here mentioned, the Hon^ Company resolved of another course to