Page 135 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 135
1347. 1248.
y.&—3 Denartment. Rs. lc,0427- Rs. 20,194/-
Four extra surveyors were employed for seven
months of the year and a lerge supply of stationery wes
purchased from Indio. The revenue obtained through this
department shows a satisfactory increase.
.Turiicial and TaV-fs. Rs. 29,150/- Rs. 20,1.03/-
The payment of a salary of Rs. ICO/- per month to
the president of the Shis ^skef Co-i^ee is the cause of the
increese over the previous^year.
1348. .
Education. Rs. 57,883/- Rs. 80,769/-
This includes two new appointments, that of Inspector
of Education and also the tutor to the sons of R. S. Sheikh
Hamed. Two new schools were opened and one school-house ?/as
built. The Budget allocations for 1348 was Rs. 90000/-.
1247. 1248. ,
Municipalities. Rs. 59,037/- Rs. 6"262/-
The subsidies paid to the Municipalities were the
same both years, Rs. 2000/- per month to each body, the
difference consists in the increase from the tobacco tax and
motor tax in which both the Municipalities share.
12&7 1348.
Medical Services. Rs. 23*459/- Rs. 23,860/-
Decrease of about Rs. 6GC/-.
1347. , 1248. ,
Co-.tiSsncies. Rs. 3,996/- Rs. 7,905/-
Includes fcest of a large supply of divers books printed-
in India, cost of Passports and stationery, installation of a
telephone and purchase of a new safe and a new typewriter.
Upkeep Of Government Buildings and Roeds.
1347. 1348.
Rs. 24,835/- Rs. 12,159/-
Includes upkeep of Palace Garden, repairs to Palace,
Customs Pier, and other Oovernemnt buildings, road repairs and
salaries to two members of Ruling Family for supervision of wells
at Rufa.
Electrification Cf ?feneaah.
Dealt with separately.
Government Launch.
Owing to lack of funds purchuse was cancelled.
Borinc* yiPTIt.
Rs. 3.991/-