Page 492 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 492

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                                                                                  VI t

                            tested by th? ihr.k an 1 by covenv.ant office and

                            shor,s ".nd thnr r.*5 v  f tnv rein* in currency
                            wort roo/ndered v tv louot C*mI •
                                  •iw **\nk finally         coins without ring­
                            ing thou. Other offices did ti.-e same r " the
                            merchants followed suit. Fcr the time being the

                            natter h*'c subsided but I an of the opinion that
                            a great many false r-uees are still in circulation
                            in Bahrain.

                                 11. R .r..r. Pier.    A narrow pier,   1,600 ft.
                            long, was built by the Royal Air Force from their
                            Rest House into the sea.    The 7:h~uin "overament
                            assisted the making arrangements for the

                            work to be ccr.e by contract.   notices were issued
                             calling for tenders and finally the contract was
                             niveu to Haj ..bdul Heoi Bushiri, a Persian merchant,
                            wkc constructed the pier for ^ 1S,C0Q/-.  r.1 though

                             it is thought that the contractor made a handsome
                             profit other tenders far exceeded the amount for
                             which Hsj Abdul Nebi contracted.    The system of work

                             by contract and tender is not popular in Bahrain
                             and is never practised locally.    There is no regular
                             method of measuring stone as it is always valued by
                             boat load, and boats vary considerably.

                                  12;   Imperial Airways.   The question of the
                             lease of the Kuhcrraq aerodrome was settled at the
                             end of the year.
                                  The aerodrome has been used continuously• through­

                             out the year and abnormal high tides ani rain have
                             not affected it.   The Bahrain government provide a
                             police guard on all occasions when the aerodrome is
 i                                                                              i
                             used by the Imperial Airways or by the P.A.F. machines.
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