Page 494 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 494

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                      492                    -2-

                     The decrease of hi 367/- in vehicle licenses is explained oy
                     an adjustment in the method of collectin’ these dues, by
                     which u vehicle registered in the latter mix of the y«*ar
                     .vould roy one half of tas annual tax, instead of, 2.*? pre­
                     viously, -he tax for the whole y. ar.
                     .'he increase i:i the collections fror. pesrlinr. licenses is
                     accounted for o..’ the collection in 15c2 of a number of
                     arrears in 1351.

                     The decrease of «< 406/- in craft registrations is accounted
                     for by the prompt payments of the renewal fees in 1352 by the
                     owners of craft, who have thus saved themselves the penalties
                     of late fees.
                     Since there has been no change in the rates of collection of
                     duty durinr the cast year, a ~ conn orison of the classified
                     receipts cay be of interest:-
                                       Comparison of receipts.
                                                     1351              1352
                         Steamers cargoes      as 294,403/-         266,710,/-
                         Native craft               31,870/.-        62,266/-
                         Parcels duty               16,519./-        16,470,/-
                          Export duty                                   941,/-
                          2-c duty on R.<. cargo     k345/-          20,527/-
                          Lliscelleneons fees                         7,211/-
                          Import yard collection 153                162,755/-
                                  Tonal :i —      558,020/-         556,860/-

                      In reference to the above, fcr 1352, t/.e item of R.E. collec­
                      tions siiouxu ue read with steamers’ cargoes collections, since
                      ^ne narxed increase in collections from Direct Transhirment cargo
                      is -he resu^u oi the arrangement for 'overside delivery’ of R.H.
                      sag cargo in quantities of not less than one thousand nags. This
                      arrangement is of considerable benefit tc the Neidv merchants,
                      out -he customs department suffers in the loss c* the relative
                      .m.^or- .ard viarces. There is no doubt that tnis arrangement
                      is also.o tee 3.1.. S. 21. Company Ltd., in maintain-
                          ^’sights ■ ,o Banrain. although it is mere than nrobable that
                      Vii this arrangement aid not exist) such car^o would be dis-
                      ensrgea at Dubai and- thence transported tc tEe mainland by native
                      craft as is now very largely the "case with niece goods ana tea.
                      3ut un.orwU-.ately this arrangement does not" assist the Hindu
                      merchants ln .ahrain their trading with the mainland, since,
                      on account c: -ocnl residential restrictions there, such merchants
                      :eel ^nat tney are not afforded opportunities to oor-rete on e^ual
                      terms tith tne hejdy merchants.

                      ticn oi higher      or?/r° ‘wp,°s 1 ^12"1   =e          to the atier.-
                      errangement ensures Tsi^tO o'™??3 -^terns point °- view tee
                      it may be eddei' <*ro- --               .30Uectir.g R.E. duty, ana,
                      employment for lie idy na?!vecraft°P 71eB’ :’alrly -eS'jlor

                      T°nkereste^e?iOTPrp?fn,i0-ioed f*1!* s.s.'Iluzistan" a British
                      &au«* asd

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