Page 499 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 499
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Consequently the reristereb craft of Bahrein ot tr.e er. i
of 13o2 vniount to: 2 barges, 1 stours launch (broken nr.)
61 motor launches, end 115d soilin craft, in fill 1341
vessels, a decrease on tne previous year due to the
depression in tn° boat building industry consequent or.
unprofitable pearlin ' seasons. f e number of "craft
registered was: 426 as against 617 in tne year 1342.
Of these, 262 declared themselves to oe working on tne
"Xharmnls” system, while only 154 wer-a or. the "Selafi”
system. Tne local tendency is to build larger pearling
craft than heretofore. The working of the Zhammas system
4 under which the grant of sanad for payment of license
ues is permittedThas proved to be very difficult, and
it is susoectea that a'number of craft are sold to out
side neighbouring ports with the intention of evading
the payment of the local pearling licenses.
Harbour lights. In addition to the occasional light on the
menamun pier and the harbour light at the Usharea customs,
the Persian Gulf Lighting Authoritv has nut a red flashing
light upon the Has Zarwah Beacon ?/hich adds to the amenities
of the port, although its usefulness to navigators is not
very clear. It is'hoped, however that a light for steamers
anchoring, namely upon the 7,’est Spit Buoy, a really imrertant
position, will be affixed at a future date.
An unfortunate accident occurred in December last, when
in a sudden squall a Bahrain, craft proceeding hit tier from
.ati:, was capsized, and its crew of eight persons with
four passengers were lost.
__ _ During the past year the number of clerks
employed "in me Customs Department was fifteen, and the
total amount of salaries paid to them was Ls 24.282/-;
while the number of naturs employed was taentythree.
and the total amount of wages'pa id to them was Rs 7,549/-.
There were 6.259 Bills of Entry dealt with, as compered
with 6357 3ills of Entry in the previous year, in addition
to the usual records and the statistical work which is
up to date.”
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