Page 497 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 497
-5- 495
Source. Year. 1251.
Ilitive crm't. 5.‘i
" 7;*i»
" 15* 346/-
* io;’ 44/-
r.s 81,870/-
Parcels duty 5% 2,066/-
" 1% 5,903/-
" 7-Ji 3 500/-
" 15£ 50/-
Miscellaneous fees 7,662/-
Year 1352.
Steal:rs cargoes 5.c's 1,95,908/-
: ' il 39 957/-
■?$. 11,977.-;-
Mative craft :“r' ;:-i,525/-
iS s/I f-
Parcels duty 5r 2,639/-
I! 10* 13,55? -
].5t 272/-
Ki sce 11 > r sus fees 7,211/-
...teasers entries. During the year 1352, one hundred arc
fcrtynine "steamers entered this port, as :oilov7s:-
3. I. :7. Coy. Ltd., 101 entries.
31 r i c k-211erman • • 24
British Tanker Coy. 13
Hansa Line. • • • • 9
Jananese line . • • 1
Standard Oil Coy. Ltd. 1
There were, in addition, visits by warships of L-B.M’s
Royal Navy, including ... II. S. "Ormonde" ana the L.T.
"Nearchus" for attention to buoys and lights. The
Imperial Airways liners made 101 visits to this nort,
and the Californian Standard Oil Company LtdTs sis.
"Bl-Segundo" is now lying in port awaiting the first
consignment of oil to he exported her.ce by the Bahrain
Petroleum Company Ltd.,
The above steamers brought the following Quantities of
g cargo.-