Page 496 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 496
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the Persian Gulf every month if ther: is sufficient inducement
tc justify the expense. ._r. echo . f tins venture has been t;.c
recent two importations of British Portland cement in. competi
tion with the Japanese product while Indian c:rr*nt Prom Por-
bundor a Is cernes forward by native craft.
(b) The value of r- neral co-'noditic. is iniirate-; by the fo *' ow-
ing statement.
Commodity. rv it. Year 1351 year 1353.
Ballam rice bsg 16/4 S/,8
Karachi rice ................ M 3/8 7/e
Pancoon rice ................ S'/fc ?/,8
r\ /
Coffee Yemeni # i'jid. 20/- 16/-
* Sinrspuri 18/- 16/-
Super Java'(’cwts) . . 3a c 13/- 12/-
M* Crystal (It cwts) 12/- nZ-
:f Loaf .... 9'/-
’’•heat, flour. Indian
" n Iraqi
Tea, Black . ... , •
•Silk niece goods (Chifsioa;
* n ^ChinaviJ 9/-
.-artificial silk goods, Indian 4/6
it *1 T» "f-rtfr-P! 4/7 2/5
Shirtines bale 125/- 125/.-
Cotton twist . 125/- 125/-
Cement, Indian bag. 2/12 2/8
” Jar-tnese .. 2/- l/l2
Surorean .. §/e
It is net therefore surprising in vi:-v; of the aocve, that the
customs receipts, union are collected ad valorem, should ue
somewhat less m 1352 tnan in 1351.
I attach nerewitn a a:tailed cc;, of collections acocx'd-
mg to^ tne various rates of import duty, from which it will be
seen tnar tne decrease in collections is uron steamers cargpes.
It is satisfactory tc ooserve that tne collections from native
craft ana parcels maintain their level. There will also be
noticed a marked increase in collections at 15< a.v. which is
levied upon alcoholic liouor and tobacco. Tno consumption of
wfiese commodities is not regarded with favour by the better-
class Kuslim religious sentiment; and although the sale of eleehei
alcoholic liquor is strictly eue? supervised, the number of con
sumers has increased in the past year aving tc industrial deve
lopments locally. ?or this reeson I have already suggested
that tne duty upon these commodities should be increased to
twentviive ner cent a.v.
Comparison of rates of collections.
Source. Year. 1351.
Steamers cargoes • • • hs 2,50,346/-
• • • nn pnn _
iot • • • 16,118/-
• • • 4,103/-