Page 498 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 498
496 -6-
Company ;uor.tity ’Jtnti .y
iaivloa aelivoreo.
Britisn India 8.A.Coy. Ltd., 222,401 7c,eofr
Strict 2 Herman Line 36,276 10
British Tanker Co. 94,473 39,891
Kansa Line 23,824 40
Jsnonese Line 13,109
Cali Torn is r. Standard Oil Co. 13,786 740
Of the above total of 521,355 packages, there were imported
40,292 packages for-the jshrain Petroleum Company.Ltd., the
majority" of which were duty free under the terms of this
CompanyTs concession. Apart from the s.s.-'El Segundo** most
of these packages originally came forward in steamers of the
Hansa line, but recently it is notice! that increasing
quantities are coming forward by the steamers of the 3.I.3.L
Co. Ltd., while a few packages are brought hither by the
Strick Sllerman Line.
Native Craft. Lurin'- the year 1352 this port was visited
bv 1443" native craft, ee compared with 1573 in the year
1351 from the following localities.
Arrivals of native craft.
Locality. Year 1351 Year 1352.
Arabian mainland 679 610
Kuwait 50 98
Oman coast 140 172
Persian coast 445 331
Iraq 196 162
India 47 63
Africa 16 7
1573 1443
Local Craft. At the en; of 1351-there were 1217 sailing
craft and 63 motor launches registered. This number has
been increased by new craft built during the year, namely,
two motor launches, and twenty one sailing craft. In
addition there were brought from outside ports; two iron
barges, one motor launch, and thirtyfour sailing craft,
making a gross total of lo41 craft of all kinds. This
number, at the end of 1352 is lessened by the following.-
Bahrain craft sold to outside sorts 64
n motor launches sold 2
Hew craft sola to outside ports 1
Old craft broker, up ashore 37
Lo3t at sea 7
Stolen^from the port .. • • 1
r-bsconaed .. •. . , #, 1
Confiscated in Persian waters 5
— 118 craft