Page 503 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 503


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                           No. ?>'&<>/SF. of 1354
                           Office of the Advi3erto
                           the Goyc:r.ii.ient, Bahrain,
                           Dated, R/AWal. 59    1354
                                 June 1935.

                             The Financial Adviser to
                                     the Government of Bahrain,
                                               Persian Gulf.

                             h. B. "fs Political Agent,

                           I have the honour to forward for your infor­
                     mation the Budget of the Bahrain State for the

                     year 1354 with a report on Revenue and Expenditure
                     and the annual report for the year 1353.       This is
                     the tenth Budget which I have had the honour to
                           2. The financial position of the State is

                     distinctly better than it was at the beginning of
                     last year. Revenue from normal sources has
                     exceeded the revenue of 1352 by approximately half

                     a lac ana the ordinary expenditure during 1352 was
                     sli^atly less than the total revenue. Owing to
                     the unexpected receipt of over one lac from sale
                     of land to the British Government, it was possible
                     for this government to spend Rs 30,000/- on the

                     construction of the Manamah-Uuharraq road which
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