Page 505 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 505

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                         4. Oil.       Ttfo trips have already been
                    made by the oil tanker 3.3. "Rbeeri" and she
                    is now on her way beck to Bahrain from the
                    far East tc take another cargo of oil. I an

                    informed that she will carry out two more
                    trips at least in 1354. Each shipment of' oil
                   produces approximately r$ 50,000/- in royalty
                   fer the Bahrain eovernnent. in estimating

                   the revenue from oil I include the amount
                   which is now owing to the government on the
                   two shipments which have^ready been made
                   and 1 have assumed that there will be two
                   more shipments only during 1354. I think

                   it is most probable that tne number of ship­
                   ments will exceed my expectations.
                         5. When the Bahrain Petroleum Company
                   obtained an extension cf the Prospecting

                   License in 1352 an agreement was made between
                   the Company and the Government according to
                   which the Company lent to the Bahrain govern­
                   ment Rs 50,000/-.   This loan v/as tc be recovered

                   from future royalties by instalments,      The pro-
                   portion of the refund due from the Bahrain
                   government on the amount of royalty which I
                   have estimated in the Budget is Rs 35,000/-,

                   the remaining Rs 150Q0/- will be recovered when
                   more royalty payments are made.
                        6.    Other revenue.    I have assessed the
                   remaining sources of revenue at a total of
                   Rs 55,000/- which is less than what they were

                   expected to produce last year,     The actual
                   receipts during 1353 failed to reach the esti-
                   mate of the Budget.     fhere was a disappointing
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