Page 508 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 508

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                            the conditions of Hedd which is the third
                            largest town in Bahrain and the most unsuni-
                            tury and dirty.    The people of Hedd who are

                            almost entirely pearl divers, are, with a
                            few exceptions, very poor, and it is unlikely
                             that they would at present be able to contri­

                            bute much towards a municipality,      I have
                            allocated the sum of ?*. 200/- per month to be
                             spent-'on cleaning the streets of hedd and
                             for widening the one road which is at present

                             impassable for motor traffic. The Muharraq
                             municipal council, with possibly two or three
                             additional members from hedd will deal with
                             this work.

                                  13. Education. .*n additional sum
                             of h 3,500/- has been allowed for the opening
                             of three country schools in the Shia villages.
                             This expansion is in answer to the recent
                             request by the Shia community that the govern­

                             ment should pay more attention to the education
                             of the Shias who fora the majority of the
                                   H.    The remaining items of expenditure

                             do not differ greatly from the amounts in the
                             last year’s budget.
 ■                                          I have the honour to be,

                                           Your most obedient servant,

                                            Adviser to the Government.

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