Page 506 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 506
disappointing falling off in Judicial receipts
anc several other items.
7. it nay be observed from the various
sources of revenue that the people of Bahrain
are very fortunate in the matter of taxation.
’.7ith the exception of customs duties, which
in comparison to those of neighbouring countries,
are extremely low, there is scarcely any taxa-
tion. Incone tax, land tax, date tree tax,
zikat or ashur are not levied and the only
existing house tax is the very low municipal
house tax which is paid by the people of
Jean amah and Muharraq. In spite of this I
think it can be reasonably claimed that the
government of 3ahrain does more for the public
welfare of its people in the direction of
education, justice, public security and muni
cipalities than any other State in the Persian
Gulf, a fact which the people themselves seen
rarely to appreciate.
8. Expenditure. Civil List. The
Civil List represents the actual amount which
is paid in emoluments to the members of the
Ruling Family but it does not include the
allowances which are made to certain of the
Ruling Family for the services which they
render as Magistrates, Amirs etc. These pay-
5 ments are included under Judicial, Public
=: Security and other headings.
9. Share in royalty amounting to
Rs 55,000/- represents l/3rd of the royalty
paid by the Bahrain Petroleum Company to the
Bahrain government. This amount is to be