Page 507 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 507
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be paid to the privy Purse of His Excellency
Shaikh Sir Hamad. Out of This amount certain
allowances which have already been paid are
recoverable. The total payrants which will
be cade during the year to the Kuling. Family
amount to oyer 50)6 of the estimated revenue.
10. State Protection. There is an
increase in the cost of State Protection, this
is ov;inb to the State Police Force having been
brought up to full strength in order to pro
vide sufficient nen for carrying out the police
duties which have frcreased during the last
year. The number of police exceeds last year’s
personnel by 16 men.
11. Government department-. The total
estimated expenditure on government departments
also shows an increase. In the year 1351 owing
to the need for drastic economy the pay of the
clerical and other staff, excluding persons
receiving less than :.s 36/- per month, wa3 reduced
by lOjfc. This action was similar to that taken
by other governrants in other countries and at
time it *9 necessary. I feel that the improved
financial condition of the State now justifies
the step of restoring part of the 10)6 cut and
in-this Budget I liave provided for the restora
tion of one half of the 10^ cut. In England
and in India, I understand that the reduction
which were made have been restored in full.
12. Municipalities. The subsidies to
the Manaznah and Muharraq municipalities remain
the same. For some years she governrant has
considered the possibility of improving the