Page 504 - Bahrain Gov Annual Reports (I)_Neat
P. 504

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                            which provided work for a greut number cf the
                             local population at a tine when many people
                            were almost destitute through unemployment.
                                  This year the Budget has been balanced,
                             without raiding the Reserve Fund or utilising
                             the balance in hand from the previous year.

                             Tie budgets of 1352 and 1353 showed a deficit,
                             and although no deficit was shown in 1351, yet

                             at the end of the year there was a large actual
                             deficit. The State commences the year with
                             a reserve fund of two lacs and a balance of
                             Rs 1,33,000/-.
                                  3. The 1354 Revenue. Customs

                             receipts continue to be the main source of
                             revenue. I have estimated the revenue from
                             Customs at a slightly higher figure than in 1353

                             budget. The estimate for 1353 was Rs 5,50,000/-
                              including vehicle licenses: the revenue for
                              1353 was ?s 6,57,000/- and for 1354, I have
                              anticipated a revenue of Rs 5,80,000/- which is

                             Rs 33,000/- more than the amount estimated for
  ■ *
                              last year, but Rs 77,000/- less than the sum
 E'                           which was received last year. Taking into

 li.                          consideration the reduction of l/3th of the
                              direct transhipment dues on cargo to and from
                              the ports of Saoudia Arabia, I think that the
                              margin of safety is sufficient and I antici­
                              pate that the Customs will yield this amount.
                              The only possible circumstances which I can visu­

                              alise and which would drastically reduce this
                              revenue are a-European war or the total cessa­
                              tion of re-export trade which night occur if
                              the port of Ras Tanura should be developed.

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