Page 520 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 520
TABLE U-contd.
Export* of Principal Article* by Steamer* during the year* 1937-38, 1938-39 and 1939-40—conVh
Qcaxtity. Value.
AancLEs and kajces or cocktiies to wnten
1937-38 1938-39 1939-40 1937-38 1938-39 1039--W
Kb. Re. Ra.
Arab Cloaks—
Arab Coast Value 4,800 «0
Iraq 781
India . . , CltA 16,201 GOO 42,400 1.830
Other Countries 30 150
Bullion V Joe
Carpet a—
Arab Coast . n 1,000
India . *» 2,soo 912
Other Countries « 8,000 2,800
Arab Coast Cirt*.
India Value 200
Cigarette paper—
Arab Coast . 99 700
Clarified butter—
Arab Coast . Cwta. 13 67 GOO 2,230
India . 99 17 5 34 075 221 694
Iraq m 4 75 80 2,690
Arab Coast . 150 200 ”S8
India . 99 918 351 1,290 1,«0
Other Countries 1,395 1,685 2,830 4,5)0
Hides and Skins—
India . Value 777 8,542
Intestines -
India 154 1,375
Iraq 285 U48
Iron and Ironware n
Lamb Skins—
Iraq 1,08,124 93433 45,412
India 30,874 12,950 83.224
India . »• <30
OU, Rah—
India • • 2,000
Pearls— 99
Trwti» #
2^8,000 2fiO,W)
India . •
7*440 Z9/XSO
Aral> Coast
Pots, Old copper—
India 120 630
Rice, ocher countries 09 200
Sesame juice .