Page 521 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 521

                                         TABLE fl-€on/<I.
           Exports of Principal Articles by Steamer* during: tLe years 1937-38, 1938-39 and 1939-40—corcl'f.

                                                  QcAvrrrr.              Valce.
           Annexes and names or conrrniES to which
                                            1937-38   1938-39  1939-39  1037-38  1938-39  1133-40
                                                                   Ra.    Rs.    Rs.
          India .                     Value                      r.,00.800  5,13,200
          Iraq                                                    17,'XX)  13,000
          Arab ConH                    »•                         30,'XK)  1/19,000  400
          pt stizn Coast               *•                                           20
         Supar, Loaf—
          Arab Coast .                Cwta.     1                    40
         Supar, Soft—
          Arab Coast .                          G                    40
          Other Countries             Value                                        50
          Iraq                                               75      GO          0.750
          Other Couutriea                     409             1   36.810           110
          Arab Coast .                Value                         600
         Tobacco .                     9*
         T>rcs and Tubco               M
          Arab Coast .                 99                           277    327
          Other Countries              99                                         520
          Iraq                                                                    220
          India .   ,                Cuts.   3,300              11,460
         Wheat flour                  Cwta
          India ...                  Value   1,106   50    1,411  35,066  419   31,382
          Other Countries              99      5                    28
        Articles not rpccified shorn
          Arab Coast .               Value
          India ...                                                280
          Persian Coast               ••
          Other Countries             M
                                  Total                         11,11,423  10,57,282  2,63,792
                                          TABLE L
           Exports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1937-38, 1938-39 and 1939-4#.

                                                Quaxott.                Valcs.
                Description* or Articles.
                                          1937-34  1934-39  1939-40  1937-38  1938-39  1939-40

                                                                 Ra.    Ba.     Rs.
          Horses     .               Not.     3                   450
         Sheep aad Goats .            ••     7401  2J939  2*229  6,099  17,883
         Cows .                                              9
        Arab Cloaks .              *. Vaiue                      68,061  46,221
   516   517   518   519   520   521   522   523   524   525   526