Page 524 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 524
TABLE J-contd.
Exports of Principal Articles by Sailing Croft during the years 1937-38,1938-39 and 1939-40—cok *.
Quantity. Valc*.
Articuts and names or coont&ics to which
1937-38 11*36-39 1939-40 1937-38 1936-39 1939-40
Ila. Ra. Ra.
Coal and Coal Tar—
Iraq Value 150 320
Arab Coast . C*t<. 1.014 643 759 31.191 16,090 26.513
Iraq 122 284 1,215 2,940 8.019 41.113
Persian Coast 212 40 39 5,244 1,234 1,035
Coir and Coir Rope—
Arab Coast . Value 3,465 2,522
Iraq . . 0,003 17,439
Fenian Coast m 5,629 BOO
Arab Coast . Crts. 12 100 72 140 1,153 2,538
Fenian Coast 99 1 40
Arab Coast 113,2S2 1 (*2,735 30,625 1,25,025 76.993 1,03.139
India . 99 298 3,900 57,232 344 3,950 2,12^14
Date Stones—
Arab Coast . 99 2,000 865 1,985 1,379 452 1,812
Date Syrup—
Iraq Value 70
Arab Coast . 99 34
Arab Coast . 7,552
Iraq 99 5,491
Persian Coast 99 23,903 5,396
Dyes and Coloan
Fish Dried—
Arab Coast 99 1,428 1.406
Persian Coast 585
Iraq . 99 15
Persian Coast 0^65 80
Iraq 99 437
Arab Coast .
Ground Nuts—
Iraq Cvts. 150 180 600 ipoo
Arab Coast . 30 100 140 141 500
99 604
Gunny Bags, Empty—
Iraq Value 4,614 13,542 42,646
Arab Coast . 943
99 309 774
Persian Coast ft 2,175 Mio
Arab Coast .
M 6,860 9.176
Iraq > | • 3.155 2*28
Persian Coast 1M74 15.674
India . . . 99 •» 18