Page 527 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 527

                                        TABLE J-concVL
        Exports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the yean 1937-38, 1938-39 and 1939-40—concld.

                                                 Qcahtitt.             Valtjil
          Articles ajd haxu or couktbizs to which
                                           1037-38  1933-39  1939-40  1037-38  1938-39  1939-40
                                                                  Ea     Fa     IU.
          Arab Coant .   ••        . Value                        2,478  3.778    280
          Inu? • •                                                 ICO     130    393
          Persian Coast                                            147    1,304    10
                                                                   293     20     622
          Ara\) Coast .               tf                                 \2tt
          Arab Coast                Csrta.    372          1,86*/  1*441         8.681
        Wheat flour—
          Arab Coast                  t*    9,743   4,776  8,721  34,141  17.766  23.233
          Arab Coast                  as      00     600    191   1.275  6.692  16.89*7
          Iraq                               396     296    129   11.463  S^U6   5.713
          India ,   ,   ,   •         99                     35                  2.325
        Articles not specified nboro—
          Arab Coast .               Value                                       8,607
          Iraq                                                    1.006         7.021
          Persian Coast                                                   480    2.919
                                 Total                          12,08.652  11,99,232  1ML207

                                          TABLE K.
         Return of shipping of all Nationalities which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of die Port
                    of Kuwait during the period from 1st April 1939 to 31st March 1940.

                            ENTEKED.                              CLEABED.
                  With Caaqo.  Is Balliat.  Total.      With Cargo.  is Ballast.  Total.
          nationality                           Katl fudlty
          e{ vtucU.
                  Ho        Ho       Xo.               So        Ho        Ho.
                  of'       of        of                of        of'  Toonsg  Taosags.
                  T--S-  Tonaage.  Tea-  Tonnage.  Toi  Tt*-
                 aelA                ada.              arts.               ads.
         ISrtttob .  119  4*5412      119      BrttlA   119  iBiJU          119  48M11
                   1 (Unknown.)        1                 1 (Uafcsovs)        1 rUakaova)

                   12  07492          U   *7492  Japs at  12  •7492         14  47492

                   7  (Ho*             T                 f  (Xai             T [Uskaeva)
                      kaown.)                               taMVA)
                   7   42,414    99    f  42414  Otfcsau.  T  42414          f  42414
   522   523   524   525   526   527   528   529   530   531   532