Page 525 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 525

                                        TABLE J-confi.
        Export! of Principal Article, by Sailing Craft during the year. 1937-38,1938-39 and 1939-4d-ctmtd.

                                                Qcorrmr.                Vaunt.
         Axmcuu ahd hakes or couktium to ■which
                     EXPOSTED*                                 1937-38  1038-39  1039-40
                                          1937-38  1038-39  1939-40
                                                                  Ra.    Rs.    Ea.
       Hide* and Skins—                                             57   2,085
         Iraq                       Value
       Iron »nd Ironware—                                           10   2,209
         Arab Coast .                                                    2.244
         Iraq                         rt                                   25
         Portias Coast                9t
       Kero acne Oil—                                       13    2.887    17     20
         Arab Coast .               Gals.   6.024    32
        Kerosene Oil Tins, Empty—                                         521     80
         Arab Coast .               Value          • f                   3.6*8    335
         Iraq                         rt                                 2,218    160
         Persian Coast                ft
       Limes, Dried—                                  0      2            <10     234
         Arab Coast                 Cwta.                              ' 1,200
         Iraq                                332     18   * *162  9,274          5,523
         Persian Coast                rt
        Machinery—                                                               3,375
         Iraq                       Value
        Mat*—                                                             175     105
         Arab Coast                   »»                           225    205
         Iraq                         99           t f    • t
        Matches—                                                  2.835   W      683
         Arab Coast                   99           »♦              WO   18^70   4^99
         Iraq                         99           t •    • t      150     40
         Persian Coad                 99                  • t
        Metal—                                                            116   L350
         Arab Coast .                 *»
         Iraq .   -                   r*                           340
         Persian Coast                B            • 1    •1
        on. Fish—                                                  817     36   1*285
         Arab Coast .                 r»                         13,446  14.832  14.163
         Iraq                                                     2.423  1U75   1A»1
         Persian Coast                it           • •                          3,006
              a .                     r»
        Oil. Other Sort*—                                         2417           750
         Arab Coast .                rt                            70
         Iraq .        t             *»
        Pnioos—                                                           144    m
                                     Carts.          62    229
                                                     64                   106
        Piecegoods—                                             1*21.249  1,64476  1,00,862
         Arab Coast                 Value                        8,084    273   8,287
         Iraq                                                    5d*3U  1,02^55  2,68,023
         Persian Coast                99
        Poise*—                                     684    153    946    8w375   990
         Arab Coast                 Cwia.    283     84                   410
   520   521   522   523   524   525   526   527   528   529   530