Page 522 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 522
TABLE I-<ontd.
Exports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during tbe years 1337-38, 1938-33 and 1939-40-<»mA
Qcahtitt. Vaunt
DcscxurrioN or Articles.
1937-38 1938 39 110-40 1937-33 1935-39 1939-40
R*. R*. n*.
Bambooa Value 11,019 • €.177 8v23S
Bamboo*, split . 1.051 911
Barley Cwts. 1,437 3,784 2S.S0I 4.891 10.093 92.006
Boat* Nos. 2 21 1.000 3.002
Building Material Value 197
Cardamom* CVts. 12 S 1.130 700
Carpet* and Ruga Value 57.513 1,33.249 64,710
Cornea* . Cwts. 1,440 3,798 1.162 1,499 ^.698 1.4871
Charcoal 150 1,250 150 3.430
Cigarette paper Value 306 1.147
Clarified butter Cwta. 198 1,4231 5,297 8,405 42.514 76.143
Coal and Coal Tar Value 150 320
Coffee Cwts. 1*348 9G7 2,013 39,375 2»-.M3 68.661
Coir and Coir Rope Value. 15,097 Su.Tlil 1 U.300
Cotton . Cwts. 12 liTO 73 MO 1.153 2478
Date* 1,13/iM) 1,00,635 77.S57 1.25.3-.9 K*.V43 3,15.353
Date Siones 2,000 bG5 1,989 1,379 452 1,812
Date Syrup Val uc 70 34
Drug* 30,951 5496
Dyes and Colours
F:*h, Dried 99 2,013 1.4291 11.90
Furniture 6.S65 577
Groundnuts Cwts. 180 280 140 741 1.SO0 604
Gunny Bags, empey Value 7,732 13401 43.420
Haberdashery . 19,307 26.407 27.677
Hides and Skins 37 2U)S5
Iron and Ironware 10 .**,478 5430
Kerosene oil Gals. 5,024 32 13 2,897 17 35
Kerosene tins, empty Nos. 6.405 675
Limes, dried Cut*. 332 27 1G4 9474 1.U10 5,757
Machinery Value 3475
Mats 225 380 105
Matches . 99 3*545 Is, 975 4.982
Metals 310 116 1450
Oil. Fb*> . 16,786 27493 20,095
Oil, other sort* * » 2.087 750
Onions Cwts. 116 229 250 622
Piecegoods Value 1,97,648 2,71403 4,77.173
Poises Cwl*. 283 7G8 153 346 5.7x5 890
Rafters Nos. 30,700 1,471 1,037 15462 r-^2 12.186
Rice Cwts. 4419 783 1424 .26405 5.111 15,418
Rock, coral Value 2 4M 2422 1.751
Rose water 99 46
Band 99 3434 66409 363
Sesame juice . 99 484 803
Soap 99 363 2.187 342
Spires 2.014 IGJU3I
Sugar, Loaf Cart*. 60 166 480 14G7
Sugar, Soft 12446 12,020 2454 85,557 63.760 46486
Tallow . 10 210
Tamarind . , , 5.690 7,826 5,680 35,469 394-78 304W
Tea . 5473 2,452 2,214 3,23.690 1,43.792 73.636
Timber . v^iue 31,388 33.656 27441
Tobacco . 2.725 5472 685
Vegetables 295 3492 622
Wheat . Carts. 372 1467 1.446 Mil
Wheat Boor 9.743 4,776 8,721 34,141 17.756 23432
Wool 462 896 355 12,740 11497 24.937
Articles not specified shore Value 1,966 480 18447
Total 12,08452 11,99.282 1641407