Page 526 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 526

                                            TABLE J—contd.
              Export* of Principal Article* by Sailing Craft during the year* 1937-38, 1938-39 and 1939-40-conf4.
                                                     Quaktitt.              Valve,
               Articles axd kaxq or cocktbixs to which
                          XX POSTED.
                                               1937-38  1938-39  1939-40  1937-38  1938-39  1939-40
                                                                      Rs.    IU.     Ra.
               Arab Co Art.             . No*.    120    39             80     590
               Iraq                              s,wo   1,201   974   2.439  3,194   9.932
               Persian Coast                    24,780   171     03  12,737  2,473   2,254
               Arab Cout .               Cwts.   3,699   372    742  19,320  2,312   6.833
               Persian Coast               m     1,220   411    782   0,879  2,799   8,565
              Rock, Coral—
               Iraq                      Value                        2,254  2,322   1,743
               Persian Coast               ft                                          8
             Rose Water—
               Other Countrioa                                                         46
               Iraq                                                   3,234  06,309   363
             Sesame Juice—
               Arab Coast .                                            484     803
               Arab Coast .                99                          363    207     342
               Iraq                        99                                1,980
               Arab Coast .                                                          5.699
               Persian Coast              99 ft                                      9,292
               Iraq                        99                                2,014   1.020
               Other Countries                                                         20
             Sugar, Loaf—
               Arab Coast .              Cwt*.    52     159           432   1,194
               Iraq                        ft      6                    28
               Persian Coast               r»      2      7             20     73
             Sugar, Soft—
               Arab Coast .               99    11,058  8.018  1.429  75.475  42.232
               Iraq .                      99    1.420  2.444  1,303  7,772  12,674
               Persian Coast               rt     462   1,558    62   2,310  8,854
               Arab Coast                  Pi            10                   210
               Arab Coast                         209    349     9    1.376   1,943    77
               Iraq                       99     3A44   6.677  5^22  20.381  32,920  26*04
               Persian Coast               Pt    1,937   800    449   13,712  4,395  014
               Arab Coast .               m      2,543   944   1,519  VW69   61,123  24.018
               Iraq .                     99     2,497   9W     506  1 *52,262   62,100  40,370
               Pars.  Coant               99      233    670    150  12,659  30,500  0,248
              Arab Coast .               Valae                        1,600           422
              Iraq .                                                  9,635  27,956  11,888
              Persian Coast               99                         20,153  5,70U  15/131
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