Page 373 - Gulf Precis(VIII)_Neat
P. 373

                190.  In his report No. 334, dated aSth August 1901, Captain Cox furnished
                                           the most reliable information he could get
              Secret E., November 1901, N01. 74*83.
              No. 79 (Encloiuro No. l).    at Maskat and concluded:—
                Briefly stated, it appears from the foregoing that the Sultan's jurisdiction extends
            effectively only as far ns Murcir; that from Mur«*ir to Dibba (including, however, only half
            of that port) there is reason to suppose that the Sheikh of Shargah may make good a pre-
            scriptivc claim to exercise jurisdiction ; that over the country from Dibba on to  Ras
            Musandim and thence round to Khasab and Bokha, the Sultan, if asked, would probably
            claim rights of sovereignty and jurisdiction; and that from Bokha to Shuam the coast is
            mainly occupied by sections of the Shihooh who for practical purposes at present recognise
            the authority of the Sheikh of Ras-ul-Khcimah.
                In conclusion, if I may presume to do so, I would respectfully express the opinion that,
            as regards the Malcolm and Elphinstonc Inlets on either side of Maklab and the promon-
            tory of Ras Musandim, the exercise of the Sultan of Maskat’s authority over there is of
            such a conveniently uncertain character that it would seem possible for His Majesty's Gov­
            ernment to treat the question of its existence according to the political exigencies of the
            moment. If we require a base there, it might be possible to explain to the Sultan that his
            claim to assert his authority there or power to make it effective is of such an unsubstantial
            nature that His Majesty's Governmental unable to recognize it, but regard the Shihooh
            (including the Kumazcrch) as independent tribes.
                191.  Colonel Kemball, in submitting Captain Cox’s report, referred to the
                                           correspondence of 1864* and stated that
              • See Trucial Chiefs Precis, 1854.1905.  since then His Highness the Sultan had es­
                                           tablished a Wali at Khasab situated on the
            Elphinstone Inlet, and further north the Sultan’s authority with rpgard to
            Kumzar near Ras Mussandim was now apparently not contested by the
            Joasmi Chief, as pointed out by Captain Cox. It seemed to him, therefore, that
            from our point of view, as we are hardly likely to require Khor-ash-Shem as a
            naval base, it would be more convenient to recognise the tract as within the
            territories of the Sultan of Maskat. It would be perhaps advisable that the
            Sultan should be induced in the manner indicated by Captain Cox to make his
            influence more apparent in the locality in question.
                192.  ’Ihe Government of India asked for a further report from Captain Cox,
            after visiting the coast at an early date and ascertaining the actual political
            situation at the various places (No. 1863-E.A., dated 31st October 1901).
                193.  Captain Cox’s further report No. 290, dated 2nd July 1902, and Colonel
                                           Kemball’s views thereon (letter No. 15-
             Secret E., November 1902, Nos. 7*21.
                                           S.A., dated 20th July 1902) are summed
            up and discussed in the despatch of the Government of India, No. 192, dated
            23rd October 1902, and Lord Curzon’s Minute accompanying it, which are
            printed below :—
               “With reference to the correspondence ending with Your Lordship's Secret despatch.
            No. 33, dated the 30th May igo2, on the subject of the selection of a naval base in the
            Persian Gulf, we have the honour to forward, for Your Lordship’s consideration, copies
            of the papers noted in the enclosed list.
               Your Lordship will recollect that in November last we invited attention to a sugges­
                                          tion made by our local officers than the jurisdic-
            da.tcd*t1iAqUiK%wV   No’ ,8° fKalerna^' tion of the Sultan of Maskat should be extended
            <U"d ,h“ 7,h No,emb" ,s°'-    and consolidated along the Batineh coast: and
           we intimated that, before expressing an opinion on this suggestion, we proposed to await
           a further report from our Political Agent at Maskat. The conclusions at which Major
           Cox has arrived, after a tour along the coast, are summarised in the 13th paragraph of his
           report No. 290, dated the 2nd July 1902, which forms the second enclosure to this despatch.
               2. It will be observed that, as regards the Maklab isthmus and the promontory of
           Musandim, Major Cox is of opinion that the Sultan’s jurisdiction is of so uncertain and
           ineffective a- character that it would be open to His Majesty’s Government either to
           recognise or to ignore its existence, as might be found most convenient: and he suggests
           that, in view of the possibility of the Elphinstone Inlet being required for naval or strate­
           gical purposes, the old telegraph quarters on the Inlet should now be re-occupied by the
           posting there «-f a Native Agent in charge of a British flag, as at Bassidore. Major Cox
           proposes that to carry out this measure, our Political Resident in the Persian Gulf should
           visit  the locality in the telegraph ship Patrick Stewart, without previous reference to the
           Sultan of Maskat, who could be informed, if necessary, that the step is necessitated

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