Page 8 - Gulf Precis (1-B)_Neat
P. 8

                          Respecting my Correspondence with the Agency depend upon it that I
                 wUh- sha11 by evo,y opportunity send faithfull advices of my transactions nor will
          WortCLVn" 1 on'nny account Correspond with Carem Khaua or any other Man in
          Porioj of tho'lato Power or Concern myself with the Government or interfere with their affairs
          R«.i nt qqwiio. the consequence of which not only hero but in any other Settlement when
                      pursued has hitherto pioved (sooner or later) a Severe Loss to the Hon’blo
                      Company and fatal to their interest. I could have wished my Predccssor had
                      been of this opinion and not attempted at Court, sent ordors of the Linguist
                      to endoavour to get the Government changed and the present Shaik removed
                      which I apprehend has so far offended Shaikh Nasser, as the Government has
                      been in the Family for ages* that ho has begun to lay a Foundation for
 3                                                                                  some
                      trouble. His son has mado a demand of 1000 Rupees annually moro Factory
                      Rent and Shaikh Nasser sent for our Broker up to Shcrass. The first he knows
                      will bo disagreeable for us to Comply with and the last Impossible. I wrote
                      him a polite on this occasion and wait his answer.
                                                                    I am,
                                                           Right Ho. Sir and Sirs,
                                                Your most obedient and most humble servant,
                                                          WILLIAM BOWYEAR.
                         Dated Bushire, the 2nd August 1766.
                           Becd. 13th October per Boat.

                                                   CL XI.
                             The Agent and Council at Basrah to the HoiPble Court of Directors &c.
                     May it please Your Honors
                         Our last Respects waited on your Honors under the 30th Ulto. Copy
                     whereof goes enolos’d ; since when we have the pleasure to inform you that we
         Operations againat have daily Confirmation of the Freights to which the Enemy is reduced, which
         iritbout attack by   together with their having made some proposals lately for a * peace has drawn
         land as well as sea.  the Turks more into action than before, they being under some apprehension
                     the English may incline to accept them ; Affairs being in this situation we
                     have embraced so favourable a Crisis by keeping up some appearances of enter­
                     ing into a Treaty with the Chaub; so far as we cou’d do it with prudence in order
                     to engage the Turks the sooner to comply with our demands, & at the same
                     time to exert their whole Force the more earnestly against the Enemy, that
                     an end may be speedily put to this troublesome affair & We have the. satis­
                     faction to acquaint Your Honors this Policy has had its proper effect with
                     Mahamet Kia who directly promised Us a Jescaria ? for the Ballance due on
                     Account the Expences of the Fleet, & March’d his Forces with a firm Resolution
                     to attack, those of the Chaub promising he wou’d take up his Encampment
                     dose by Our Ships in Damrack river, when they oan the more easily Co-operate
                     with Us in all Measures needfull & we can the more conveniently observe
                     their actions and join with the assistance of our vessells, so that we have the
                     greatest reason imaginable now to expect success, as the Turks 'will then no
                     longer be deceiv’d with regard to our real Intentions, and we shall one with
     )               another espouse the Benar. Cause with the greatest vigours and alacrity ;   Wo-
     ]               oannot however help express your Concern that has not been in our power to
                     conclude affairs sooner and return the Fleet to the Presidency, but doubt not
                     when it is consider’d they are now in the pay of the Turks at 1000 Toms : &
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