Page 6 - Gulf Precis (1-B)_Neat
P. 6


         KU^O^oSn?61 Acoordingly the 25 Ulto. Mahmout Kia arrived from Bagdat with about
         ag»i'ait tUiCub! fifteen huudred Men and with whom the Agent a day or two after had a coa-
         pSi'for paying forence on Ail'airs in general & particularly concerning a Bouratty Sent by
         tte oosi of tho tho * Resident at Bagdat directing him to make the Amount of llodjco Busuphs
         fleet A Haji
         Yusuf’s debts.  debt good ns ulso the allowance for the Fleet; He received tho Agent with all
                     manner of civility & profors of Friendship giving the greatest assurances of
                     doing everything for tho good of tho sorvico as also that tho Inhabitants need
                     bo under no apprehensions of his molesting or distressing them & being asked
                     by tho Agent when & in what manner lie proposed paying Uodjoo Eusupb’s
                     debt, he made Answer that nothing cou’d bo done thcrciu till the Enomy   was
                     reduced when within twenty or thirty days he wou’d pay it olf by Separating
                     the Lands among the Sons and obliging them to pay oil tho whole in proportion
                      & for discharging the sum allowed;for the Charge* of the Fleet he gave a
                      Note for GOO Toms in part thereof on the Customs which we have the pleasure
                     to inform Your Honors has been duely reccd.; shortly after this ho Sett out
                     with his Troops for the Army where having arrived and some disputes arrising
                     about the Command with the late Mussaleem who insisting to know the tenor
                     of his Commission he in a few days made it known that ho was not only General
                     of the Army but also Govcrnour or Mussaleem of Bussora & immediately ordered
                      the Captn. Bashaw to repair with his Gallies to Gaban wherein Company
                     with the Wolf Gallivat particularly requested for this service by Mahmoud
                      Kia he accordingly arrived Safe, tho Chaub People immediately on their
                     appearance having deserted the Fort with the greatest precipitation the Conse­
                      quence of which has been a whole Tribe of the Chaubs principal Musquctiers
                     having Fledd to Mahmoud Kia with their Families for protection as well as to
                     our Ships; By these people we have learnt that the greatest disaffection reigns
                     among his Troops who wou'd all desert him but that he keeps their chiefs
                     continually within his Sight & on the least Suspicion committs the most horrid
                     Barbarities ; in Short they Say there is nothing wanting but for the Turks to
                     march into his Country when it is thought the whole of his people wou’d
                     immediately desert him therefore this Measure has been lately very Strongly
                     represented by the Agent to the New Mussaleem who wrote word ho wou’d
                     March in a few days more only waiting for Some Horse he expected from the
                     Montefeck Shaik & as it has further been resolved the Agont sliou’d repair to
                     the Fleet to further affairs lie was actually in Readiness to have gone by the
                     Tartar who was dispatched here to take in Provisions, but that the Mussaleem
                     having Letters arrived & intimating as above that he cou’d not March in less
                     than ten or twelve days together with the Agent being much indispos’d on
                     whioh She was sent to the Fleet with the necessary Provisions & directions to
                     Captn. Nesbitt to return her as soon as possible, when the Agent now being
                     recovered will proceed as before intended which we are Led to hope will have
                     the desir’d effect by putting the Turks into motion nothing more by all account
                     being wanting to bring affairs to the desired end, we doubt not but of having
                     the satisfaction of acquainting Your Honours of this agreable peice of News in
                     a short time more.
                         The Fame Storesliip having received some considerable damage as repre­
                     sented by the Commr. in going over the Barr as also being of little or no
     !               service to the Fleet but a considerable monthljr charge, we under tho 30
                     Ulto return’d her to the Presidency acquainting them particularly of all
                     transactions as also the state of Affairs here, but on Account of her weakness
                                              • See foot note on page 211.
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